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TOPIC: [SURF] Information Thread

[SURF] Information Thread 1 year 11 months ago #1404812

The SURF information thread aims to give valuable information to users that are seeking help on the SURF server, If you feel that something needs to be added to this thread then feel free to contact a Server Owner or the Community Team!
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Last Edit: 1 month 3 weeks ago by Callum..
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[SURF] Information Thread 1 year 11 months ago #1404816

Surf Rank List

This is the Surf Rank list, here it shows all the ranks that are gained by completing maps on the server. The difficultly of obtaining ranks depends on the amount of maps on the server. Rank EXP is based on Map points * (Style Average Time / Your Time) The following ranks are listed below:

Starting Rank
























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[SURF] Information Thread 1 year 11 months ago #1404817


Hello, before you start reading this guide, it is important you take in consideration that this guide was not intended to be an absolute guide, but more an article for those who believe that they have a basic understanding of surf, and are now ready to take it a step further.


Turn Binds

*Also mentioned later in this post*
Open console and type:
bind "key" "+right"
bind "key" "+left"

Yaw Speed

*Also mentioned later in this post*
Yawspeed, for those who want to increase (higher yawspeed) or decrease (lower yawspeed) the speed at which the turning bind moves you at. I don't recommend increasing the number too much.

Open console and type:
cl_yawspeed #
Default is 210

Video Options

Under Video options I would highly recommend that you turn Motion Blur OFF.

My Personal Setup

Q = Turn Left
E = Turn Right
Use items buttons etc = MOUSE3 (mousewheel click)
Use voice communication = MOUSE4

Mouse: Corsair M65 Pro RGB
Mousepad: SteelSeries QCK XXL(90x40cm)

This are very low settings and i would strongly recommend starting out at higher settings and slowly working your way down

DPI: 1000
Sensitivity: 1.2

What's Skill Surf?

Skill Surf is meant for players who want to prove themselves to be very adapt and good at a wide variety of maps. These types of maps can either be extremely easy, or incredibly difficult. Usually these maps are timed and the fastest time wins.

The skill surf maps are also divided into tiers.
1 being the easiest, and 7 being the hardest.

Tier 1. Anyone should be able to surf this.
Tier 2. Can differ between easy and a bit struggling for some.
Tier 3. Most casual surfers are able to beat these.
Tier 4. For the average and more trained.
Tier 5. We're getting there.
Tier 6. Nope.
Tier 7. In your dreams maybe.

How To Surf

You surf by pushing the side of your players’ body onwards the surf rail. Depending on which side you are pushing, you will be pushing the opposite of that directions key. In short, when being on the right side of the ramp press A and the left side D.

Here is a picture!

Now. It is not enough to just smash the buttons on the keyboard in hope of you getting anywhere. You will also have to use your mouse.
So before you panic when being on the surf ramp, focus on ONE thing, to get forward. Hold your hand calm and SLOWLY train yourself guiding your hand in circles, like in an “8” number.
It is important that you try not to focus too much on everyone around you but more on the surf you are doing. Relax and take your time, you have to keep pushing yourself and experiment with different ways that suits YOU. Now I don’t want all this to sound like a sexual intercourse lection for teens, but trust me. Give it time.

Lets move on!

How To Get Fast

If this is your first time, you might be thinking how the hell am I supposed to be good at this, and the most common questions I get from new surfers are "how do I get the speed?" Well to be honest, everything is about training and how you handle it, but think about it like this. "It’s a water slighter combined with a gravity sling" - The better you make your curves, the faster and higher you will get.

Here is another picture!

(This picture is only a good example of how to get high up in the air!)
Explanation to this is the friction, the way air acceleration works together with the gravity is not anything that makes too much sense, but instead of thinking like a sling, you should be focusing on getting as much speed as possible AND THEN go for the flick, don't prepare yourself half ways through the ramp - do it right before the end to get maximum speed.

Another thing to keep in mind, is where you position yourself on the surf map.
When aiming for an object you got to loosen up your mind, do not focus too much on the aiming part but focus more on the circles and the movement you are doing. Aiming for an object will slowly come afterwards. Anyway! When aiming for an object it is important you place yourself on the opposite side of the object!

You might be asking why, but let me explain the reason for you son.

Lets say you want to hit an object that is in the far distance and you want to obtain most possible speed in order to get there. You’ll probably think, oy that’s no problem, I’ll just position myself on the side of the surf ramp that brushes closest up against the object so the distance will be shorter!

In this case you are WRONG! You got to focus on the acceleration and altitude. Instead of leaning yourself towards the object, try to focus on the right
yes I marked flick because it is an important word to remember! Now instead of me jabbering too much,
why not another picture?


Yes, this guide also includes strafing.. Or at least the strafing I know..

Strafing is probably one of the hardest things to master in surf. Even as an experienced surfer myself haven’t mastered this way of gaining speed.

In short, strafing is a way of gaining speed in particular everywhere you are. It’s commonly used when jumping, but it can defiantly also be used while being airborne.

There are many ways of doing this, and I won’t recommend that you try this out unless you know what the heck you are doing! But give it a try.

The way I do it, which isn’t the best way of doing it and probably also one of the hardest ways, is to do it manually. You do this by smashing your fingers on A and D rapidly after each other while swinging your mouse to the rhythm.

Oh boy, here we go again with another picture!

There are also other ways of doing this.
And that is by using turn binds.

Turn binds are NOT any sort of scripts; scripts are something you manipulate the game to think. This is simply just changing the key binds to another action.

Go to your console ..
If you still don’t know how to open console or activate it, I will now go through a guide of how to…. !”#€%&/ GO GOOGLE IT!

Now, type this stuff.

bind key “+left”
bind key “+right”

Key = the keyboard button assigned.

Ramp Strafing

Ramp strafing is a harder way of approaching the surf style, and is therefor also a technique that is hard to describe in words.

Ramp strafing is a way of maintaining more speed while surfing down a bumpy ramp. If you do not ramp strafe you will slam into bumps and lose great amount of speed. This technique is commonly used in older surf maps, where the ramps are linked poorly together.

Ramp strafing is done by leaving the ramp right before a bump and then landing back on the ramp after the bump. However, when you land back on the ramp you have to land smooth, so you don’t just slam into the ramp and lose an even greater amount of speed.

Anything Else?

Please feel free to ask any questions to this guide or leave feedback good and bad! I am sorry if I missed something, so please let me know if there are something to be added.
I hope everyone learned something new from this post.

Guide originally written by: BReeZ for Combat surf, rewritten for skill surf Knuthulhu
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[SURF] Information Thread 1 year 11 months ago #1404818

Custom Hud Creation

On the Surf Server you can choose from our selection of two preset huds or you can choose to make your own with our custom hud creation system, Below is a video guide to best describe the system!

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Moderators: Joshua, Kanna.

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