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TOPIC: [SURF] Server Rules

[SURF] Server Rules 1 year 10 months ago #1404811

Last Updated: 24/03/2023

These are the rules for the ZARP SURF server. By playing on the server, you agree to follow all of these rules at all times.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of these rules, please contact a server staff member and if you think any rules should be removed, added or changed, then please make a server suggestion.
Staff's Word is Final

If you have any issues with a verdict or a punishment given out by a staff member you need to accept it and then speak to a higher-up staff member about it. You may also appeal your punishment or report the staff member in question on the forums if you feel like there was any misconduct.

The rules are in place in order to ensure a fun and safe environment on the servers and as such are not here for anyone to scrutinize or attempt to loophole. The staff has the final word on the rules, if you feel like a staff member is abusing you may submit a report against them.
Terms of Use

In addition to the server rules outlined in this thread, the use of this service constitutes your acceptance to the ZARP Terms of Use. Breaking any of these terms of use is punishable.

1.0 General Information

1.1 - Discrimination - Discrimination in any form (racism, sexism, prejudicial remarks, xenophobia) is strictly prohibited on our servers.

1.2 - Disrespect - We expect all users on the servers to conduct themselves respectfully and politely at all times.

1.3 - Avatars/Sprays
Emblems/Avatars on steam which may be deemed inappropriate by staff will be punished accordingly. This also applies to sprays in game, examples of this could be "Porn-sprays" etc.

1.4 - In-Game Names
In-game names / Steam names should also remain respectful and follow all rules that apply regarding disrespect and discrimination, and must not be used in an attempt to impersonate any member of staff / pretend to be staff.

1.5 - Spam/Promotion of non-ZARP services
Spamming is unacceptable; do not repeat messages more than once in a short space of time, and make incoherent/useless messages or messages which promote another competitor's community/service.

1.6 - Client Side Modification/Hacking
Do not attempt to modify your client to gain an advantage on our server. This includes but isn't limited to: hacks and scripts.

1.7 - Avoiding Punishment
If you are being addressed by a member of staff, do not leave without their permission to do so. This also includes ban evasion, if you are banned you are not permitted to join the server until the ban expires.

1.8 - MicSpam
Spamming the mic is unacceptable in any format, whether it be screaming, singing, or playing music unless another rule states otherwise. However, shouting during a map vote is allowed.

1.9 - Voice Modification/Voice Changers You may not use any sort of voice modification or voice changing device or software

1.10 - Exploiting
Purposely abusing unintentional game features is prohibited. If an admin informs you that you are abusing an exploit, you must stop immediately. Failure to do so will result in very harsh consequences.
  • OnionRings
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Last Edit: 1 year 10 months ago by OnionRings.
The topic has been locked.
Moderators: Joshua, Kanna.

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