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yeah the last week or so there has been thiese guys supposedly named "Zelupa" and "Stanislav Schwarzenegger" who keep joining and leaving to nominate the maps surf_fornax and surf_luxyes which makes them literally the only maps that get played and its getting really annoying
also i would like to suggest a few changes unless this server isnt entirely abandoned already -change the rtv system, please its so frustrating to always play on another map every 10 minutes because noobs will ask to change the map when they fail the map once ways to prevent that: -30 minute map cooldown -no rtv rights for everything below sentinel rank other changes that people would gladly accept: - 1-2 minute countdown after rtv was succesful so you dont get interrupted mid run - after extend___ has won the vote, also add the cooldown, cause right now, extend will win, and people will rtv right away again, making the extend___ win completely useless i know its not easy to implement those changes, but i think it would improve the quality on this server a lot and will make people stay longer cheers |
Last Edit: 4 years 2 months ago by lauf. Reason: Added name
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Thanks for the report. I'll keep an eye out for the two. And I have to agree with a few of your suggestions. I'll bring them up in the next meeting. Thanks
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