Greetings everyone! Let me introduce you to the Prophunt Clan "PropGods" made by the God Xyro himself
After realising that this is what Prophunt needs to finally be the most important Zarp server (
get rekt bhop, ttt and darkrp ) and playing with this style for some days, I decided this is what I wanna do!
So I am basically creating some sort of gang or clan for prophunt! All you have to do is add me on Steam and play with me!
What do we do?
Well, basically we bring prophunt to the next level. We share our secrets for finding props successfully, help each other out and most importantly play as an
actual team.
Most of the times, prophunt players, at least I experienced this for a long time in my history of gmod-prophunt, wish they would have someone to try out crazy ideas which require two or even more people. This is by far the only server I have seen that allowed me to do that thanks to great people!
Special Thanks to those who inspired me and I already see inside this clan:
Hayley Quinn
And some more
Pictures or it didn't happen!
Well, here are some pictures of how we manage to work it out:
This was so funny! xD
This was a nice try as well
Here we were the whole table, PC and screen (the chair was killed unfortunately)
This one we almost survived but died at about 30 seconds left
ALMOST won this at about 10 seconds left
Only one of those cars survived, and we still dont know why xD
The taunts gave us away late in the game
Only one of those lanterns is real as you can assume from the rotation of most of them except the one in the corner
This was a funny try
This one was really really hard to pull of because that prop doesn't initially spawn. We had to press all 4 secret buttons AND find the prop on the map while being prop team (basically race against time) and died at about a minute left because we spammed taunts like hell xD
What I expect of you
It would be nice if you had the "Stupid Laugh" taunt, it's just 750 points in the pointshop. It's really funny, and at times I call out "F7 in 3... 2... 1" and we all do it at the same time
Aside from that just be a nice guy and want to have fun! It's not like you have any obligations with this, basically everyone or nobody can be a member, its what they wanna decide.
It would be great if you had a mic aswell so we can go on teamspeak and generally have teamspeak to talk about our plans for the rounds there
Technically Clans are impossible but what I mean by this is that we basically add ourselves on Steam, go on teamspeak play and have fun together
Why I do this
Prophunt has been one of the very early gamemodes and while it definitely has gotten better I think it is true that lots of people burnt out from it because it is essentially the same all the time. I've been like this about 2 years ago when this was my main gamemode. Now at about 3600 hours gmod I see it even clearer (Ive met people with 30000 hours gmod as well).
What I want is to get back the initial thrill and challenging aspect of this gamemode. Just hiding in spots where nobody will find you anyways has gotten boring, or not taunting. I want something challenging and fun. I've been doing the challenging aspect for hundreds of hours in prophunt so now I needed something new: Prophunt team challenges. And I think this brought back to me the old spirit which I had long forgotten about prophunt. And I want everyone to experience this.
Also: I think this gets us more people to play actively
Already got one dude who applies for staff after we basically met up for this every day. He played with me the first day he visited this server, and because he experienced how great playing like this is, he is basically "stuck" here now
Thanks for reading this wall of text! I just want to make this game mode better and more fun for everyone! And remember: NO GHOSTERS ALLOWED!