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I was playing prop hunt for a week now and the last 2 days kyber has kicked me for apparently ghosting and now i have been banned and so has my brother i don't know how to do that or what ghosting even is. i love playing on this server as it has the point system and unlock that other servers don't have. please can you remove the ban as we shouldn't have been banned.
my account - steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198304123556/home my brothers account - steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198063330477 |
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To appeal your ban, you will need to use the template provided below:
[b]Name -[/b] What is your in-game name?
[b]STEAM-ID -[/b] What is your STEAM-ID?
[b]Admins Name -[/b] Who banned you/who might it be?
[b]Reason -[/b] What is/might be the reason that you got banned?
[b]Server -[/b] What server did you get banned from?
[b]Time -[/b] How long were you banned for?
[b]Story -[/b] What happend?
[b]Proof -[/b] Any proof on a video/screenshot that clearly show what happened?
[b]Extra Information -[/b] Any thing you think may be relevant to your ban. |
Last Edit: 7 years 1 month ago by Jim_Jam.
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Ghosting is telling someone like your friends or relatives about information that YOU KNOW, but your brother or friend wouldn't.
Like, if you're dead and spectating someone, you'd tell your brother where it is, leading to un-fair gameplay. It's a really immature and unfair thing to do, ruining the sportsmanship of the game. Make an appeal, giving prophunt staff a reason to unban you, and you should be good. You should never ghost or tell unfair information ruining the gameflow. |
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ok now i know what it is i was helping my brother find people and will wait for the ban to end
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rmp129921 wrote:
ok now i know what it is i was helping my brother find people and will wait for the ban to end Very mature, most people just make shit up and lie. If you want, like I said, you can appeal your ban with the template [b]Name -[/b] What is your in-game name?
[b]STEAM-ID -[/b] What is your STEAM-ID?
[b]Admins Name -[/b] Who banned you/who might it be?
[b]Reason -[/b] What is/might be the reason that you got banned?
[b]Server -[/b] What server did you get banned from?
[b]Time -[/b] How long were you banned for?
[b]Story -[/b] What happend?
[b]Proof -[/b] Any proof on a video/screenshot that clearly show what happened?
[b]Extra Information -[/b] Any thing you think may be relevant to your ban. In this section zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/appeals If not, you can just wait it out, that's fine too. |
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rmp129921 wrote:
ok now i know what it is i was helping my brother find people and will wait for the ban to end I recommend for you (and your brother) to read over the server rules to prevent you from being banned again in the future. You can find them here. |
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