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These are the rules for the ZARP Gaming Deathrun server. By playing on the server, you agree to follow all of these rules at all times. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of these rules, please contact a server staff member, and if you think any rules should be removed, added or changed, then please make a server suggestion. Reporting Rulebreakers See a rulebreaker in game? Type @ before your message to send a message to the staff only. If you'd prefer, you can contact a staff member through Steam, or TeamSpeak - especially if they're not online. Do not make a forum post. Loopholing Before any of the written rules are presented, use your common sense. But before you act in game, use common sense and don't do anything stupid. What the staff member says about a rule - goes. This also means, do not bend the rules to your advantage. If you don't fully understand the rules, contact a lead team member. Scamming Scamming is the act of stealing money, items or ZARP VIP from another player through deception or trickery. It is strictly prohibited under the rules and can be punishable by our administration team. Scamming has long been an issue on ZARP, and there is a wide range of scams that range from the obvious to the in-depth and complex. Nearly all scams involve tricking the victim one way or another, although sometimes scammers will exploit the Trade System or other game features or bugs in order to steal other players items. Gambling games are not considered scamming. If you are not willing to lose your money/items do not participate in gambling. It is not considered a scam unless money or items are lost or received. Except in the case of agreed upon coinflips, dice rolls or minigames. Administrators must have evidence before punishing players for scamming. If you are unsure ask a community team member to investigate the logs. You must pay out of your own inventory and wallet if you are banned for scamming, if you cannot afford the items then bring this up to the staff member who is handling the appeal so it can be discussed further and decide on what to do next. How to avoid being scammed
Terms of Use In addition to the server rules outlined in this thread, the use of this service constitutes your acceptance to the ZARP Terms of Use. Breaking any of these terms of use is punishable. 1.0 General Rules 1.1 - Threats Threating to Hack/DDoS someone or any other malicious types of threatening is not allowed and could result in an instant ban of any length. 1.2 - Promotion of non-ZARP services Promotion of competing communities, competing services, pornographic content or other promotion of rulebreaking material is not allowed on our servers. 1.3 Spam/Voice Changer This means Chat Spam and Mic Spam - i.e. means overusing the microphone, playing music/audio other than voice through the microphone or spamming anything through the text chat. You are not allowed to use voice changers on the server. 1.4 - Client Side Modification / Hacking Using any sort of hacks/scripts to modify your game in order to gain an advantage is disallowed. A few examples would be auto-strafe and aim-enhancing software 1.5 - Sprays, Names or Picture Having an inappropriate/objectionable spray/name/steam picture is not allowed. This means gore, pornographic, offensive and other inappropriate steam pictures/sprays or having an offensive or inappropriate name. 1.6 - Harassment Harassing anyone, staff or not is not allowed. This means continuously annoying someone when they have/or a staff member has told you to stop. When they stay stop, stop. 1.7 - Respect Disrespecting someone or generally being rude in game is not allowed, if it's as a joke, keep it so it will not offend anyone else; the target of this joke must accept that it's a joke. 1.8 - Racist, Sexist, Homophobic or Generally discriminatory language Any language used that falls under these categories is strictly not allowed. 1.81 - Listen to / Respect Staff When a staff member lays out an instruction, you should follow it. If it objects to the rules, contact a Lead Team member. 1.82 - Impersonation You're not allowed to impersonate any staff members on the servers, this includes using names similar to those used by staff members within the community or saying that you are a member of the staff team when you are not. If you wish to use a name similar to that of a staff member you should first contact a lead team member for permission. 1.83 - Web Taunts All taunts from the Web Taunts system must follow the ZARP TOU and all other Deathrun rules. Do not use any taunts that are disrespectful, racist, discriminatory, etc. or anything else that breaks any other rules. This includes anything disruptive (including, but not limited to, loud or high pitched noises). 2.0 Gamemode Rules 2.1 - Ghosting Saying anything whilst you're dead to the alive players that could possibly change the outcome of a round is not allowed. A few examples would be telling someone the code on Helix when you're dead and they're alive. 2.2 - Delaying Intentionally holding up the round to pause play is not allowed, an example would be to be the last runner alive and not make an attempt to bait traps, and just wait the round out. 2.3 - Griefing Attempting to ruin your team's experience and gameplay is not allowed. This means teamkilling, and any other way that possibly could ruin your team's game. 2.4 - Death Avoiding Going falsely AFK or refusing to activate traps as a death with the intention to avoid playing the death role is not allowed. 2.5 - Trap Stealing Using someone's trap whether they have claimed it or were at that trap first is not allowed. 2.6 - Trap Spam Spamming all the traps or using traps for no reason is not allowed. Only use traps when a player is in the immediate vicinity of the trap unless the trap activates upon the player moving into it (i.e. "50/50"s and portals like those on dr_minecraft) 2.7 - Trap Reactivation Using a trap when it has already been used is against the rules. If you're not sure whether or not a trap has been used, best bet is to not use it at all. 2.8 - Entrance / Portal Camping Waiting by a portal of any kind for a member of the opposite team to pass through in order to kill them is not allowed. You're allowed to wait by the portal for them to run through, as long as they can see you and you kill them after they have left the portal area. You're not allowed to sit in portals and get people stuck. 2.9 - Farming / Freerunning Farming of points or xp is not allowed. This can be done by participating in freeruns, as a Death or Runner, to gain points and experience or any other unfair way of gaining these "resources". 2.91 - Prop Abuse Picking up props and using them to either grief the team or anything else is not allowed. There is no reason for picking up props. 2.92 - Exploiting / Trap Avoiding Exploiting unintentional map faults to benefit yourself or others is prohibited. You're allowed to use intentional map features to avoid 1 trap but avoiding 2 or more traps in a single motion/feature is not allowed. Using RTD to exploit traps, e.g. slap into the sky to skip several traps, is also not allowed. 2.93 - Begging Begging for anything is not allowed, this includes; but is not limited to - point begging, rank begging, staff begging or any other type of begging. Failure to listen will result in a punishment. 2.94 - Trap Blocking Blocking the fellow deaths's view and access to the trap is not allowed. If you feel that you have been wrongly punished for something which is not a rule / linked to a rule on here, you can appeal the punishment in the appeals section, and report a staff member in the report abuse section if you believe that they are abusing their powers. |
Last Edit: 1 year 3 weeks ago by Kanna.. Reason: 2.9 - allowed freerunning in Free Mode
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