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Steam Name: calistankaa
Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/id/lownoirrr/ SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33870281 Age13 Languages I speak: Russian/English/Latvian DR Related How would you deal with a disrespectful player? Well with Mic spammer's id mute them. And id kick Racist Player's Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 50 words). Well id like to be Moderator on your Deathrun server. Becuse You need Moderator's i see in game. So i decied to apply why not. Well i want to be moderator on this server becuse i like it. It's really fun and really good Staff memeber's Like Kalas / Lisol. They are really active and i am active too. well i joined yesterday May 8th. Well i played for like 5h and to day like 3h so ive been on 8h. Yeah that's Not aloot. Back to the topic, i want to be Moderator Becuse i like to help player's Who need help il take care off Pepole who break rule's. So the server dosnt have rule breaker's. Well that's all i can say. |
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