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How long am i banned?????????????????????????????
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I know I have no power over your ban, nor do I know why or how long your ban is, but just making some spam thread called PLZ REPLY, isn't the way you contact an admin/get help.
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So Lolgamefreak :
1. Dont make topics called "PLZ REPLY", this will be acted as spam. 2. Make Unban Appeal ( with good template ) 3. You broked alot of rules so this is permanent ban. 4. You can contact any staff member on Steam. Just search his name and add to friends. Gregory TW!X |
Register Date: 06 Sep 2013
Last Edit: 11 years 2 months ago by GregoryTWIX.
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TWIX wrote:
So Lolgamefreak : Wrong.1. Dont make topics called "PLZ REPLY", this will be acted as spam. 2. Make Unban Appeal ( with good template ) 3. You broked alot of rules so this is permanent ban. 4. You can contact any staff member on Steam. Just search his name and add to friends. Gregory TW!X You where banned by me for 1 week, if you make a unban appeak using the template i will consider unbanning you. |
Last Edit: 11 years 2 months ago by Xhantium.
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Wrong. You where banned by me for 1 week, if you make a unban appeak using the template i will consider unbanning you. Sorry Xhantium, i though that will be perma, cant see this ban in Unbans menu. |
Register Date: 06 Sep 2013
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