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The purpose of this topic is to detail general information on several topics such as: the Deathrun gamemode, current features, addons and more. This topic can be used as a general guide but will not be the master source for all information - as such, if any information in this topic is out of date, please contact a staff member from the list below to have it updated: |
Ex Deathrun Server Owner
Ex TeamSpeak Staff Ex Forum Staff - Deathrun Moderator Section
Last Edit: 1 month 1 week ago by Callum..
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Deathrun is a round-based gamemode consistent of two teams: Runners and Deaths. The objective of the Runners is to reach the end of the map and avoid any traps they may encounter along the way. Conversely, the objective of the Deaths is to eliminate all Runners before they reach the end of the course. Make sure your traps count, as you can only use a trap once! Be sure to read the Server Rules before playing.
Rock The Vote (RTV)
If you don't like the current map, do not fret, you can rock the vote (rtv) in order to change it. Simply type !rtv in chat and your vote will be cast! In order for the map vote to commence, other players will also have to cast their vote. You can only rtv once per map.
Players may nominate a particular map of their choice by using the !nominate command. Typing !nominate in chat will bring up a menu of all the maps you can select. Once you nominate a map, it will be a choice once all rounds end or when the required number of RTVs is submitted.
If you are dead and bored, feeling like you want to train your bhop or even just follow around the runners and deaths? I introduce Ghostmode to you! This is an option to you when you are dead where you can have some fun until the round is over. Simply type !ghost in chat and go explore the map as much as you want! Have fun! Do note that Ghostmode doesn’t work on every single map currently on the Deathrun Server.
ZARP (F4) Menu
The ZARP (F4) Menu is central hub for various features and information about the server - you can open the ZARP Menu by pressing F4. The ZARP Menu has several tabs, each containing their own features/information. A list of the tabs are shown below, each with a description of what they do:
The Home view displays latest news about Deathrun. Each item will display the title, last poster, last post date and a link to the topic on the ZARP forum. The Unlocks view displays all unlockable weapons - you can equip a weapon by clicking on its tile. If you are not a high enough level and/or prestige, you won't be able to equip it. If you are unsure what level/prestige you need to be in order to equip a certain weapon, you can check it in the Unlocks view. The Staff view will display all users who currently hold a staff rank on the server; this includes Community Developers, Managers and Owners. Green bar on the left shows the staff is currently online on the server, but if they are not, the bar is red. The Settings view will allow you to toggle client-side settings to fit your liking. You can adjust the following settings: toggle web taunts, draw vape particles, draw auras. Settings can be opened with F1. You can find additional Deathrun settings be pressing F2.
Level System
Similar to other ZARP PointShop servers, Deathrun has a level system in which players can level up to unlock special knives (which you can equip through the ZARP Menu) - each level has its own color and title. You can check what prestige/level you are by pressing TAB to view the scoreboard or by pressing C. In order to level up, you must gain enough XP points which can be done by winning rounds, killing players or choosing it as your Man of the Match award. You will unlock a new weapon every fifth level. Players who reach the max level can choose to either stay at the max level in that prestige, or start over at level 1 but progress onto the next prestige tier. You can see the full level list here: LINK
The Pointshop is a custom cosmetics and weapons store where you can purchase items such as player models, vapes, auras, taunts and trails. Items from the Pointshop can be purchased by using Pointshop diamonds; you can get diamonds by winning rounds. VIPs get access to permanent double diamonds so long as VIP is active on their Steam account. You can access the Pointshop by pressing F4 in-game where you can browse the available items to buy with the various tabs for each section. Your points and (most of) your items will be available on other Pointshop Servers, so you won't have to waste your points in buying them again!
Roll The Dice (RTD)
The Roll The Dice (RTD) feature lets runners risk their round to gain a special boost. A runner can type !rtd in chat which will roll the dice and give them a random buff or debuff. The buff or debuff you receive is announced in the chat for everyone to see. You can use the RTD feature once every 90 seconds. A list of all buffs, debuffs and neutrals can be found below: Buffs:
Man of The Match (MOTM)
After every map change, a 'man of the match' will be selected depending on the performance of all the players. If you are lucky enough to be in the top 3 players for the last map, you will have the chance to pick a special reward from the list below:
Ex Deathrun Server Owner
Ex TeamSpeak Staff Ex Forum Staff - Deathrun Moderator Section
Last Edit: 1 year 1 month ago by Kanna.. Reason: updated a bit 14-01/24
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Bazaraxe
Addons / Content
To get the full pointshop experience, you will need to subscribe to our Steam workshop collection - once subscribed, your Steam client will download all of the custom pointshop content that has been created for ZARP. To subscribe to the Deathrun Server content, you can subscribe to the collection pack here: LINK Here is a list of major addons currently on the server: |
Ex Deathrun Server Owner
Ex TeamSpeak Staff Ex Forum Staff - Deathrun Moderator Section
Last Edit: 3 years 7 months ago by Red..
The topic has been locked.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Bazaraxe
General Commands
F1 Menu - this will open up the ZARP menu allowing you to choose your unlock, see the staff list, edit your HUD and general settings. F1 F2 Menu - this will open the Deathrun menu allowing you to change Deathrun specific elements such as toggling zone visibility, your stats popup, spectator setting. F2 F3 Menu - this will open up the tauns menu, where you can search for a specific taunt, choose a default sound from Deathrun or your added favorites. F3 F4 Menu - this will open the ZARP Pointshop, you can read all about it here. F4 or !shop
Useful Commands
Rules - this will link you to the Deathrun Server Rules. !rules Server Content - this will link you to the Deathrun Server Content where you will be able to download all the content used on the Deathrun Server. !content Nominate - this will open up a menu where you will be able to nominate a map for the next shoutvote, so you can vote on your favorite map! !nominate or /nominate Rock the Vote - this command will make the next mapvote happen quicker than usual, if enough votes have been applied, a mapvote will happen the next consecutive round. !rtv or /rtv Spectator - this will move you into spectator mode, and move you out again if the chat command is applied yet again. !spec Titlestore - this will open up the titlestore menu where you will be able to buy and customize your title. !titlestore or /titlestore Customizing Titles - this will open up a menu where you will be able to customize already bought titles to your satisfaction. !titles or /titles
Moderator Commands
Gag - prevents a player from using voice chat. Useful for stopping mic spammers, disrespect or racism over voice chat. Using gag is indefinite, player(s) will have to be manually ungagged later on. !gag "name" "reason"
!ungag "name" Tgag - prevents a player from using voice chat for a specified amount of time. The player(s) will automatically be ungagged after the specified duration. Useful for stopping mic spammers, disrespect or racism over voice chat. !tgag "name" time(minutes) "reason" Mute - prevents a player from using text chat. Useful for stopping chat spam, disrespect, racism and discrimination. The player(s) will have to be manually unmuted later on. !mute "name" time(minutes) "reason"
!unmute "name" TMute - prevents a player from using text chat for a specified amount of time. The player(s) will automatically be unmuted after the specified duration. Useful for stopping chat spam, disrespect, racism and discrimination. !tmute "name" time(minutes) "reason" Asay - sends a message to admin chat, which is only visible to staff members. Should only be used for administrative-related dicussion. @ "message" Amute - prevents a player from sending messages to online staff members. Used to stop players who abuse admin chat from doing so. Player(s) will have to be manually unmuted later on. !amute "name"
!unamute "name" Web Taunt Mute - prevents a player from using web taunts for a specified amount of time. Used to stop disrespectful, racist, ear-rapey or otherwise inappropriate taunts. Player(s) will be automatically unmuted after the duration expires. !webtauntmute "name" time(in minutes) "reason"
!unwebtauntmute "name" Friends - shows a list of players who are friends with the targeted player and currently connected to the server. Useful for determining if player(s) are ghosting. !friends "name" Force Spectate - moves the targeted player to the spectator team. Only use this command to move AFK players to spectate. !fspec "name"
!unspec "name" Slay - kills the targeted player. Should be used as a serious punishment, verbal/official warnings should take place before this. !slay "name" "reason" Go to - teleports you to the targeted player. Should only be used to get yourself out of illegal places or areas where you are stuck. Do not use it to skip traps. !goto "name" Bring - teleports the targeted player to you. Same use-case as go to but for the targeted player. !bring "name" Teleport - teleports the targeted player to where you are looking. Same use-case as go to but for the targeted player. !goto "name" Kick - kicks the targeted player from the server. Moderators should use this as an alternative to banning players. If a player is breaking several rules, you should contact an admin to ban them but in the event no admin is available, you may kick the player. !kick "name" "reason"
Administrator Commands
Csay - sends a message to all online players that is visible in the centre of their display. Should only be used to globally announce important information, i.e. whether or not a certain action is exploiting. !csay "text" Spawn - re-spawns the targeted player. Should only be used when a player dies to a bugged trap or exploit. !spawn "name" Freeze - freezes the targeted player; preventing them from moving. No sufficient use case for this command. !freeze "name"
!unfreeze "name" Spectate - makes you spectate the selected player, you will be brought back to your original position once escaped from the spectate. !spectate "name" Ban, Ban ID and Unban - bans the targeted player from the server for a specified amount of time. The ban command should only be used as a last resort or in extreme cases of rulebreaking. !ban "name" time(in minutes/hours/days/etc, type 0 for permanent) "reason"
!banid "steamid" time(in minutes/hours/days/etc, type 0 for permanent) "reason"
!unban "name" Sharing Check - checks whether or not the targeted player is avoiding a ban on a family-shared account. Can be used at any time. !sharing "name" Vote - this will create a vote on the topic/question you choose. Should not be used in most cases. Use through the ULX menu |
Last Edit: 3 years 7 months ago by Red..
The topic has been locked.
Level List 1. Newbie Starting rank 2. Beginner 200 exp needed 3. Rookie 400 exp needed 4. Criminal 600 exp needed 5. Decent 800 exp needed 6. Average 1.000 exp needed 7. Thug 1.200 exp needed 8. Intermediate 1.400 exp needed 9. Semi-Pro 1.600 exp needed 10. Skilled 1.800 exp needed 11. Adept 2.000 exp needed 12. Pro 2.200 exp needed 13. Impressive 2.400 exp needed 14. Awesome 2.600 exp needed 15. Hardcore 2.800 exp needed 16. Prestigious 3.000 exp needed 17. Veteran 3.200 exp needed 18. Expert 3.400 exp needed 19. Beast 3.600 exp needed 20. Addict 3.800 exp needed 21. Epic 4.000 exp needed 22. Supreme 4.200 exp needed 23. Insane 4.400 exp needed 24. Elite 4.600 exp needed 25. Master 4.800 exp needed 26. Mastermind 5.000 exp needed 27. Nightmare 5.200 exp needed 28. Phenomenon 5.400 exp needed 29. Stoner 5.600 exp needed 30. Mythic 5.800 exp needed 31. Unreal 6.000 exp needed 32. Demonic (glows) 6.200 exp needed 33. Emperor (glows) 6.400 exp needed 34. Satanic (glows) 6.600 exp needed 35. Phantom (glows) 6.800 exp needed 36. Marvelous (glows) 7.000 exp needed 37. Daemon (glows) 7.200 exp needed 38. Monarch (glows) 7.400 exp needed 39. Fanatic (glows) 7.600 exp needed 40. Bloodthirsty (glows) 7.800 exp needed 41. Merciless (glows) 8.000 exp needed 42. Ace (glows) 8.200 exp needed 43. Fearless (glows) 8.400 exp needed 44. Unpredictable (glows) 8.600 exp needed 45. Impracticable (glows) 8.800 exp needed 46. Psycopath (glows) 9.000 exp needed 47. Maniac (glows) 9.200 exp needed 48. Immortal (glows) 9.400 exp needed 49. Godlike (glows) 9.600 exp needed 50. Demi-God (glows) 9.800 exp needed 51 Godking (glows) 10.000 exp needed |
Last Edit: 3 years 7 months ago by Red..
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