RP Name: Angry Melon
Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120638494
Estimated Activity (or Gametracker which is recommenced):
Server 1 - I think close to 2 weeks game time (I have played Zarp for a long time)
Server 2 - 3Days
Server 3 -1 1/2 days.
Cash and Special weapons: 20 mil (Had 40mil yesterday but lost it all) i now only have Nerve gas and M202 (I had to sell the rest of my weps to get some money back)
Previous gang(s): TOAO (The one and only) And some other gangs a long time ago i forgot.
Duration in previous gang(s): I was in TOAO For a decent amount of time and the other gangs i was in for a long time.
Do you have a microphone and able to use ZARP's Teamspeak?: I have both
Recent warnings? If so, please state them: 1 for disrespect and i apologize to the admin and we are now cool with eachother and you have my word im not going to do it again.
Why should you be chosen to join Construction Inc?: I have been in previous gangs with some of the members such as clarky we used to be in TOAO together, i know everyone in the gang and if i get accepted i am looking forward to getting to know them even more and become friends. I am very active on zarp and have been a member of the community for a couple of years now. I have VIP which gives me the ability to place more props than non VIP and have VIP printers etc. I enjoy basing and raiding with gang members a long with just rping and having a good time with them. I have spent most of the time on s1 but i will be willing to change server if any gang members are on s2 or s3 for example. I will be a loyal gang member i will be able to build bases, raid bases and defend bases anything really. Thank you for reading and i hope that i can get into this gang