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TOPIC: Admin

Admin 8 years 1 month ago #372007

Your (real-life) name:
Your nickname(s):
Your country of residence:
Saudi Arabia
Your age: ( Must be over 14 )
Value: 15
Your SteamID:
( You can find out your SteamID at steamidfinder.com )
Your Steam name:
Your role-play name(s):
Your first language:
Your English level/knowledge:
Value: 9
Your estimated play-time on the server you are applying for: ( Minutes or Hours )
150ish. I am not entirely sure as i have used multiple names.
Have you ever been administrator/moderator on other communities? ( own communities excluded )
Yes I have. I was a mod on a server called SkyRP however that server shut down due to the owner being unable to pay for it. I was also an admin on a friends server which was very popular however also shut down due to personal reasons.
Have you ever been banned/kicked? ( please specify why )
No i have not.
Explain RDM and give 3 detailed examples:
Random Deathmatch (RDM) is when a player kills another player without a valid reason.

Example 1: Bob is a citizen walking down the street. A gangster walks over to him and shoots him. This is RDM due to the fact that Bob did nothing wrong and the gangster had no reason to kill him.

Example 2: Jim is a black market dealer in his shop. A police officer walks in and shoots him because he has a gun store. This is RDM as you are not allowed to kill someone for owning a gun store.

Example 3: Jake is basing and a cop is outside the base scanning. There is no sign stating KOS if scanning. Jake kills the cop. This is RDM as the cop was not on the players property and there was no sign saying KOS if scanning, meaning that scanning is allowed.
Explain NLR and give 3 detailed examples:
New life rule (NLR) is the idea that when you die you are not allowed to return to your place of death for 3 minutes and that you are not able to remember anything from your past life (before you died).

Example 1: A group of gangsters - Bill, Bob and Jim, are raiding a base. Jim gets killed during the raid. He returns to the base and continues raiding with his group. This is NLR as you are not allowed to return to your place of death before your NLR times is up. Moreover, it is also not allowed as he returned to the raid.

Example 2: A gun dealer has a shop and has a hit on him. A hitman enters the shop and kills him to claim the bounty. The gun dealer then returns to his shop. This is NLR as he returned to his place of death before the NLR timer ended.

Example 3: A group of players are raiding Jim's base. Jim gets killed and knows that the players are going to take his printers and so returns to his base and kills the raiders. This is NLR due to the fact that he is not allowed to return to the base until both the raid is over and his NLR timer is up.
Explain meta-gaming and give 3 detailed examples:
Meta Gaming is when you use information from OOC areas to gain information in which you wouldn't otherwise know.

Example 1: A gun dealer/drug dealer advertising his buisness in OOC. This is meta gaming as you are not allowed to advertise in OOC due to it being an out of character chat in which you can't gain RP information from.

Example 2: A Police officer sees a wanted tag through a wall and so goes and arrests the player. This is meta gaming as in real life a police officer would not be able to identify a wanted person through a wall.

Example 3: Jim asks in OOC where Bob is basing. Bob replies in OOC. This is meta gaming as they are using out of character chat to gain information that could help them in game.
Explain FailRP and give 3 detailed examples:
FailRP is when you are RPing and you do something that your character wouldn't do IRL.

Example 1: A Police officer goes to a black market dealer and buys a shipment of guns from him. This is FailRP due to the fact that an IRL police officer would not buy illegal weaponry as it could cost him his job.

Example 2: A citizen decides to base and print money. This is FailRP as citizens have to obey the law and are not allowed to print privately.

Example 3: A cop decides to scan the bank and raid it because they have printers. This is FailRP as cops are not allowed to raid the bank as it is the only place in which printing is legal
Explain FearRP and give 3 detailed examples:
FearRP is the idea in which you must fear for your life.

Example 1: Jim is mugging Bob at gunpoint. Instead of dropping the money, Bob pulls out a gun and shoots Jim. This is FearRP as in real life you would be fearing for your life and would drop the money.

Example 2: Bob is being kidnapped. As he is being taken to the base, he shouts to everyone that he is being kidnapped. This is FearRP as you would not tell everyone that you are being kidnapped in real life as it may result in you getting killed.

Example 3: A group of players are basing and they start to get bored. They advert asking people to raid their base. This is FearRP as you would not ask to be raided in real life.
Explain the glow effect abuse and give 3 detailed examples:
Glow effect abuse (GEA) is when you change the colour of the prop in which harms/ disorients a player or gives you an unfair advantage.

Example 1: A player uses a solid black colour with no material on his props. This is GEA as it can confuse the raiders as they may be unable to see and navigate their way around the base whilst raiding.

Example 2: A player places a prop down and makes it see through/invisible. This is GEA as a prop must be visible and have a material/colour on it.

Example 3: Jack is basing. He decides to use a very shiny material and a very bright colour on all of his props. This is GEA as he is using colour/material to give himself an unfair advantage.
Do you have a microphone?


Why should you be chosen? ( at least 150 words )
I feel that I should be chosen as I am a very active member of the community that often spends my time gaming playing DarkRP on KDG. I have a good knowledge of all the rules due to my previous experiences being mod/admin on servers. I feel that the server would benefit from having me as a mod as i will be able to sort out any trouble on the server and stop rulebreakers from ruining the RP for everyone else. Due to my past experiences, I would be able to handle any situation that occurs and deal with it appropriately. I am an understanding person and so therefore will be able to listen to both sides of the story and come to a conclusion afterwards. If there are any people needing help I will go to them and help them. I also feel like I should be a mod as there have been times such as this morning where multiple players were on the server trolling and doing things such as prop blocking, raiding the bank as police amongst other things. If I were a mod, i would ensure that trouble makers like this would be dealt with instantly as they ruin the RP experience for everyone. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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The following user(s) said Thank You: antonin guyot

Admin 8 years 1 month ago #372016

Hello , you need to follow our heirarchy Mod > Admin > Super Admin > Head admin . You need to apply for moderator. It seems you have not used the correct template the template you need to use is the one below.

[b]RP Name:[/b]
[b]Time Zone:[/b]
[b]Link to Steam Profile:[/b]
[b]Current Gametracker Profiles:[/b]
Server 1 - https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/darkrp.zarpgaming.com:27015/top_players/
Server 2 - https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/darkrp.zarpgaming.com:27025/top_players/
Server 3 - https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/usa.zarpgaming.com:27015/top_players/

[b]Estimated Server Time[/b]

[b]Languages I speak[/b]

Dark Rp Related
[b]Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario.[/b]

[b]Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario.[/b]

[b]Explain "Metagaming" and give an example scenario.[/b]

[b]Explain how you would handle the following situation:[/b]
[i]Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.[/i]

[b]Explain how you would handle the following situation:[/b]
[i]Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.[/i]

[b]Explain how you would handle the following situation:[/b]
[i]Player x calls for help in the OOC chat because his bank is being raided[/i]

[b]Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 150 words)[/b].

Thank you, Also I hope this is not a troll so for the benefit of the doubt I am taking you seriously but this is ZARP not KDG
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Admin 8 years 1 month ago #372076

Luan wrote:
Thank you, Also I hope this is not a troll so for the benefit of the doubt I am taking you seriously but this is ZARP not KDG

I think he's serious but copy pasted his app from KDG.
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Admin 8 years 1 month ago #372145

Wait 150 hours or minutes
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