Creates useless posts, Bad attitude, Forging Evidence.
Could these be some of the reasons people don't take you seriously? No? Ever thought of reflecting back and thinking: "That could be the reasons people don't take me seriously. Maybe its the way I have acted and spoken towards people." but no you have to create yet another "Why was I denied" post after your how ever many times you have been denied. If its not going to happen then its not going to happen. When you get into double digits of re-applications then you should know its not working but I doubt you are going to take anything anyone says on this post on board because you never seem to; on your apps and on your attention seeking "Why was I denied" posts, so I don't know why anyone bothers giving you advice to help you improve as you obviously have no intention of doing so.
Also your profile picture is of a Wall Street Banker who is
facing criminal charges.