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The Terran Conglomerate is a european gang based around people and friends who help each other around. Darkrp Username: Steam id: Recent Warning And Reason: Money: Age Minimum 12: When do you usually go online: Will you be an honourable member: Will you help you're gang members: Promotion DarkRP user name: How long have you been in the gang: Why do you deserve to be promoted: Ally Why you want to be allied: Name of your gang: Name of the owner of the gang: 1-IF a gang member needs help the whole gang helps him no exceptions. 2-Respect your superiors. 3-All gang bases remain in the gang. 4-Do not break server rules. 5-Let all other members of the gang base with you/ people who steal from other each other within the gang will be executed. 6-Help all gang members when in need. 7-Do not steal or kill other gang members. 8-Do not scam your own gang members or anyone else, this is to improve the respect of our gang and will help you get promoted. 9-Report any rule breaking activity to the Co-Leaders and Leader 10-IF a gang member has a hit on him no one from the gang is allowed to kill him every one should protect him 11-If and rule is broken you will be given a Warning ,Second time the Warning will be followed by a Demotion,but the Third waring will be an EXPULSION FROM THE GANG The Ranks: 1-Private 2-Corporal 3-Sergeant 4-Staff Sergeant 5-Lieutenant 6-General 7-Co-leader 8-Leader Special- Conglomerate Super Marine Join Fees 10k for the first 10 members. Make sure toJoin the steam group after you're accepted!!! steamcommunity.com/groups/TheTerranConglomerate Last thing make sure that you |
Last Edit: 9 years 7 months ago by skyrider54.
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Planetside 2?
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WARNING:None Money:$98,144 Age:14 I come on after 6:00pm GMT I will help other gang members |
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you may join the group on steam
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All i smell is starcraft 2
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Hey I wont be on today, have fun!!!!
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