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Hi there and welcome to Crescendo's thread!
Crescendo is a small gang, We carry out missions, Raids and money printing operations. Crescendo host weekly trainings and print almost everyday, We mainly base on server 2 exceptions might occur on server 1. Crescendo are often very good shooters, Watch out.
Application template
Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ][ Click to hide ] RP Name: Time spent on Zarp: What special weapons do you have?: Are you a VIP User?: Can you work in a team?: How much money do you have?: Are you a good shooter?: You have any good base dupes for server 1?:
The Duck 2
Lagyta Spoderman AssasinSpy Grzy1230
Thanks for reading and have a nice day! It's very easy to get in right now, You are almost guaranteed to join
Last Edit: 9 years 8 months ago by Hoblit.
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