The rules state that who ever owns the doors owns the building. Something like this happened to me and my gang mates earlier: Me and my gang we on evilmelon basing inside the bank as usual. As the hours passed people started leaving, because we had played for over 5 hours. When our gang was down to 3 members online the "main" owner of the doors left and the door said "unowned" even when the old added owners could still lock/unlock the doors but outsiders could own it. In that time Dallas apparently decided that it was a sporty thing to do to own the doors as the new main owner and remove the Fight Club gang members from it and come bulging into our base and yelling trough /y "Get out of my base". A minute later Scottie came and was about to give OUR base that we had based in for about 5 hours and had the base dupe in to the Dallas guy who used the Dissconnected main door owner glitch to steal the doors from us. Then Jake came who is an admin as well. He told Dallas to unown the doors and helped us regain the ownership of our doors, because he probably knew about the glitch as well. Here I would like to ask that you would fix the door bug that when the main owner leaves someone else would be appointed the new main owner of the door who was previously added to the door or just sold if there is a single owner. Another thing you could do is to clarify about this specific rule, so admins don't just blindly follow the very linear /motd. Please clarify/remake the motd so it follows all the possible glitches/exploits and don't follow the way they SHOULD go because they don't. That is all. I hope you understood my english and have a nice day