Redemption is a gang being reborn back into DarkRP. We are a gang that welcomes players who are experienced and would like to be in a gang with other experienced players. We are not all about power gaming and enjoy RP as much as we can.
We welcome fellow players in and hope they enjoy being part of the redeemed gang that is Redemption.
Gang Upgrades:
Machete -
Unarrestable -
Tommy Gun -
MEGA Crafting -
6 DrugLab/6 Coolers Limit -
Armor Boost -
These technological advancements grant us a tactical advantage over other gangs
Redemption Balance: $3,716,893
Correct as of 29/12/14
Joining Fee: $100,000 - $100k
Cameron - 8
LazyBro - 4
KawiiSenpaiShpai - 1
TheOrange - 1
Rule Breaking is not tolerated and will result in removal from the gang and punishment from staff
Breaking TOU of the forums/servers will result in removal from the gang
Listen to higher ranks and don't ignore what they have to say
Do not raid/mug/hit members of Redemption
If possible then respond to help requests from fellow Redemption members no matter what rank you are
No calling truces/wars with other gangs unless Leader or above
Leaving the gang will result in a 1 month waiting period before being able to reapply to join back
[O] Owners - The fine creators of such organization.
- Holds responsibility of all redeemed members
- Allows players to be redeemed into Redemption
[L] Leaders - Have a large amount of power over redeemed players and control underlings and show them the light
- Have authority over and ranks lower
- Can host organization meetups and perform demotions
- Gathers Intel to provide to the Owner of threats to the organization
[LRH] Leader's Right Hand - Those trusted enough to become the underling of a Leader and learn from their work.
- Has slight authority over lower ranks but only in opinion
- No power to perform demotions but has close relations to a Leader to provide suggestions
- Should deal with issues that are too minuscule to bring to a Leader's attention
[BoL] Bringer of Light - Should restore order into the gang by gathering players into formation and organizing them for raids or encampments.
- Can order lower ranked players into formations for raids or to gather in bases
- Must provide a place of encampment for members who are seeking one
[BoJ] Bringer of Justice - Should make it their primary goal of wreaking havoc amongst defiled organizations land and demonstrate the true power of a redeemed member.
- Follows the tactical words of the Bringer of Light unless one is not available
- Performs solo/group raids on rival gangs and makes their last breathes a miserable pain
[WotR] Warrior of the Righteous - A warrior that fights for the righteous causes that Redemption brings forward.
- The infantry that drives forward Redemption that will follow any command given by superiors
- Shows how things are done to the newly cleansed members of Redemption
[CI] Cleansed Initiate - Freshly redeemed initiate of Redemption who seeks guidance from the elders.
- Learns from the ranks above on how things are dealt with
[SC] Sleeping Crusader - Former members which for the time being are waiting to be awoken when the time is right.
- Hibernation is their strong point
All of the ranks above are required to follow the Redemption rule list and respect all players in the community equally. No exceptions are made to rule breakers.
[O] Owners
[L] Leaders
[LRH] Leader's Right Hand
[BoL] Bringer of Light
[BoJ] Bringer of Justice
[WotR] Warrior of the Righteous
[CI] Cleansed Initiate
[SC] Sleeping Crusader
Basic Information
In-game name:
Steam Name:
Steam Community Link:
DarkRP Information
Do you have any special weapons?
Referred to Redemption by(N/A if not referred by anyone):
[If you have had any prior bans]
Number of prior bans:
Reason to prior bans (example: RDM, NLR, Prop Abuse etc):
Knowledge of the rules 1-10(1 = Uncertain on most rules, 10 = Perfect knowledge with little faults):
Building Experience 1-10(1 = Complete Novice, 10 = Very skilled):
Activity on servers 1 & 2[1 = 1-5 hours a week, 2 = 6-20 hours a week, 3 = 21+ hours a week]:
Previous Gangs and Duration in them:
RP Money (Minimum of 1mil):
What I can offer to Redemption:
Why I want to join Redemption:
Make sure you fill in all the sections of the template above in a reply to this thread. Please make sure you have the minimum amount of $100k before applying as the join fee is $100k.
Application will be reviewed and evaluated by Leaders+ throughout various times of the week.
If accepted then a reply will be posted on this thread by either a Leader or Myself. We will then ask that you add us on steam so that we can meet in-game to add you to the gang and welcome you into the gang.