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Mod Application
Rp name: fantbulous Link to profile: steamcommunity.com/id/fantbulousxx/ Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51802268 Current Game Tracker Server 1: Idk why but its say `` This player not found but i have played long´´ Age: 14 Time played on zarp?: I dont know but i think like 62 hours! Or more? I speak: English DarkRP Related RDM = Random Death Match: When someone randomly kills someone. Scenario= When player Y just walks up to player U and kill him with no good reason. NLR = New Life Rule: When you die and you go back to your district of death within 3 minutes. Scenario= When player Y got killed and walks back to the same district of death within 3 minutes. MetaGaming: When someone uses the /ooc chat not correct. Scenario= When player O want to sell something for exempel but you dont use /advert you use /ooc Explain how you would handle the following situasion: Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows thats player y killed x = I will ask player x for evidence. Since he may was killed during raid or something else. Explain how you would handle the follow situasion: Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close togheter in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time. = I would warn him player Y for breaking NLR. Becuse the logs clearly show that he broke NLR. Explain how you would handle the following situasion: Player x calls for help in the OOC chat becuse his bank is being raided. = I would tell the bank director that he is breaking the metagame rule. And say to him that the next time i will warn him. Why i should be chosen (we recommend around 150 words). I think i that i should be chosen to become Moderator becuse i have been playing on this server for a long time now and i thought it was time to try to become an Moderator. I also play on Zarp like every day for a few hours. I will also learn new player the rules if they ask or if i see them just walk around and do not understand anything. And i will treat new and experienced the same way. I hope i know the rules good enough to become Moderator and help players on the server. I will try to make the server a fun experience for every player. Thanks for reading my MOD application i hope you like it and chose me to become Moderator. |
The ZARP servers are unique and really fun to play on, I hope we maybe meet eachother
Last Edit: 10 years 6 days ago by Fantbulous.
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