Note that most of the decisions will come from actual tests and not just from the application form
Please understand this is written in english (Australian)
Note that most banners are place holders
Jaggerbull the older Brother of Soxey6/ Australian Dragon has decided that a new Gang is to arise in the battle for Down Town, this gang isn’t just a group of 12 year olds prop minging and prop blocking. But instead a Gang of high end Raiders and builders, a gang dedicated to the Zarp server that was ready to enter battle against any gang at any time. This gang is the Renegades, the only way to become a part of this new faction is to apply, go through the trials and play in a team based environment.
To join please read the application process
- Anyone found breaking the zarp rules will instantly be kicked from gang unless they give the owner a legit reason (You have up to 1 week to explain yourself)
- You must listen to superiors
- Please follow your roles
- Anyone found abusing players will be dealt with
- If you have any problems with a gang member please do contact the owner or Noon
- Keep in contact with people as much as possible
- Check back here for upcoming events and other things added to this thread
To be accepted you must:
- - Be Mature
- - Fill out template bellow
- - Be tested on Basing Skills
- - Be Tested on Raiding Skills
- - Have a Headset (With MIC)
- - Have Teamspeak and be able to access the Zarp Server
- - Donate $500,000 to the gang (Only Happens once you are accepted)
After all these requirements are met the Recruiters will gather at the Recruiter meeting and accept applicants or deny depending on how well their tests and templates are. These will also effect which position/ role you will be accepted into, each role has a purpose there is no role that isn’t worth being.
If you are accepted to be tested you will get a add steam request from someone in the group and then a message once accepted explaining what time to be on for your tests, after your tests please give the Recruiters a day or two to decide whether you are worthy.
If you are accepted you will get messaged on steam and also it will appear in the thread, you then must be following the rules
If you are denied you will be messaged and you will be allowed to re-apply after a week or so
Note they each time you re-apply we will be looking at you as a whole new person so there will be no biased markings
Owner: Jaggerbull – Jaggerbull owns this Gang, he is a fair leader and will only ask of you as much as you can give, if you are not comfortable to engage in a raid or find a member of the gang to be abusive please let him know he is here to help. All orders and gang events come down from him and any random events not first passed by him will earn someone a one way ticket out of the gang
Noon: Looking for – The Noon is the right hand man of the owner, The Noon managers things if the Owner is away Usually when the owner is asleep, he has almost every power that the Owner has however he does not have the power to Say who are allies and who are enemies. The Noon is also not allowed to set events such as wars or high level raids (Raids that have been super organized on an opposing gang
Dusk: Looking For –The Dusk is the treasurer, he/ she deals with the finances of the gang, this includes weapons, buying and selling base dupes, taking donations, who owes the gang protection money when they have a shop online, what gangs have paid to have protection from us etc
Hours: looking for 12 Hours –Hours are in charge of their separate platoons, these platoons are made up of Minutes who are Main officers of a squad, Each Hour has the right to recruit and test applicants and count as recruiters, Hours will have to attend meetings when a schedule for the month has been made (Not expecting you to be able to attend every single one) they are on the lookout for any recruits that may poses the potential to be a decent fighter.
Minutes: Looking for –Minutes are officers in charge of 2-6 seconds, each of these will be given a duty depending on their roles, if there is a stray second on who does not have a Minute to be under the command of the current minute online must take responsibility of him/her and make sure that second is protected. Minutes are allowed to own bases and are the main backbone of The Renegades, they need to be true leaders and show the seconds how it is done. Minutes can plan casual raids and defend their base however and Event or high level raid must be put past the owner first
Seconds: Looking For –Seconds are foot soldiers, they are the main raiders and builders of the gang note either type can do both roles however if the minute decides that they need you to do the other please comply
• Hands- The hands are the fighters and the raiders, they roam looking for bases to raid and defending their minutes base from attack, please note that you may also build however if a minute asks you to get back to scouting please listen and comply
• Numbers- The Numbers build the bases and make dupes, there are the main backbone of the duplications that the gang uses, please note that you may defend and raid if you have finished tasks given to you by the Minute currently online
Promotions: Promotions are based on what the owner decides, just because new players come in does not mean that you are worthy of a promotion, it is based on skills or all sorts however you can gain approval of other higher up ranks may persuade the Owner or Noon into allowing the Promotion, if you are promoted you will receive an PM
- Owner: Jaggerbull
- Noon: N/A
- Dusk: N/A
- Hour 1: N/A
- Hour 2: N/A
- Hour 3: N/A
- Hour 4: N/A
- Hour 5: N/A
- Hour 6: N/A
- Hour 7: N/A
- Hour 8: N/A
- Hour 9: N/A
- Hour 10: N/A
- Hour 11: N/A
- Hour 11: N/A
- Minutes: N/A
- Seconds: N/A
To become an ally please contact the Owner of the Gang
- BIB (Only When Gems and Aurtreon are online)
- Outsiders
- Fedora tippers
Notes For Other Gangs
- Raiding a Renegade base is an act of war if done 3 times
- To stop any sort of war between yourself and this gang you must reach a peace fine with the Dusk, please PM him on the forum
- If you want to organize an alliance with us please contact owner Via steam or other means HOWEVER this is not guaranteed
- You can pay protection money weekly to the Dusk to ensure that you do not get raided
- Please understand that NO ONE should take anything that happens in game from police officers under our gang as a personal threat remember they must follow the rules when playing as police
In Game Name:
Languages you speak:
Timezone and Country:
Did someone suggest you to us if yes who?:
Why do you think you should be allowed to be into this gang? Also tell us a little about yourself (Atleast 150 words):
Have you any proof they may fast track you e.g. vids of you raiding etc? if so post links here