Hey Everyone,
I have been playing a lot of ZarpRP and I have found that sticking to normal jobs are boring so I decided to try a few creative ones I made up. To do this just change your Job title and follow the instructions.
Help Bad Guys and The Ugly though there tough time that they might be going though. Set up a little house and wait for the mentally ill to come rolling in. (Remember to label your house!)
Become a medic and set up a hospital. A desired location is one with garage doors that can be opened from one side only. (In case there is a shootout!) Like on ZarpRP server 1 near the bank!
Set up cameras around the map and assign them to different buttons. Location is everything for this job, try get near or inside bases and hideouts. People will pay lots of money to get gang info.
Combat Medic:
Back to the Medic again. Tag along with an SAS or SWAT and heal them if they need it. The Police department will be very grateful for this act.
Mayors Guard:
This is a very common one that is not mine but I will put it in here non the less. Become any armed good guy and protect the mayor. He is likely to get hits put on him so watch out off hit men. My favorite location to protect the mayor at is on ZarpRP server 1 at what would usually be the PD on other RP servers. Grab to top room and place a metal detector at the entrance and protect the mayor. Some of my favorite scenarios have come from playing this character!
Find a secluded area to make a drug lab. Use this lab to create alcoholic beverages like Vodka. These are very cheap to make and are very quickly produced. Using the CS_Militia props find the bar01 and barstool01 props and set up your bar! Decorate with caseofbeer01 and bottle01, 02 and 03. Always carry a handgun as customers can get grouchy. Watch out for cops busting your lab and hobos throwing their dirt.
(By Suggestion of Taco) Taxi Driver:
Find a nice house with a garage door which can be only opened from the inside. Rent or Buy a car from the Zarp Car Dealer by the fuel pumps. Charge customers by the length of the drive. Make sure its worth it and you make some profit! (Remember to do "/advert" so people know you are providing a service!)
25/10/14 Update:
Target Range:
Find a secluded room with no windows for a fight club. Use CS:S target props and create a nice inclosed area for people to test their guns. This is also a good addition to any gunshop. Charge people as they come in to gain a nice profit.
These are the common ones I have been playing as!
If you have anymore please comment them bellow!