I apologize for my recent inactivity as I have had a lot going on and my gmod is not working properly. However officer positions are to be designated tonight and recruiter applications opened very soon. If you are currently a hang-around please be patient as recruiters and officers will soon be appointed and able to evaluate you and accept you for prospect status.
NOTE: If you are looking to be a hang around please do not pester the board of directors about it either ask me or any officer/recruiter.
To answer some of your questions:
YouDayzAreUp wrote:
forget me on the list of members
Members have been (for the most part) updated you are now on the list
Gamer wrote:
We need Menaces on allies. They get stronger every minute
Once I get my gmod working well again I will be on to talk to Gang leaders and discuss alliances
Jam wrote:
Wasn't I in it...?
I thought my application got accepted in the old post...
All apps from the old thread are closed you will have to talk to an officer or recruiter if you want to try out being a hangaround which you will then either be denied or accepted based on your evaluation.