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Hey, for some reason, my paypal won't allow me to use my pre-paid VISA cards on my accounts. Is there any way to pay just with the card or will it be impossible to get VIP? Like.. not having to create a paypal account to pay and just give me credit card info.
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You have VIP.....
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Nevermind, just got it to work. I had to use another pre-paid card (Portugal has a nice system called MB Net, it allows you to generate a pre-paid card and use it on the go but the one I was using was goofed up apparently. Either way, if I don't spend the cash on a pre-paid card it'll be thrown back into my bank account so that's what'll happen to the one I tried to use before.)
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Olia! Congratulations on VIP! Hope you enjoy it. See you around!
Heh Portugal I'm in Portugal on holiday :3 Anyway congratulations! |
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I got VIP just yesterday. I had to call the number on the back of the pre-paid card (American Express) and have them add my address, name and zip code. Only then would Paypal accept it.
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