Login to ZARP
So the Idea of this thread is to highlight one great point about Zarp and why it is awesome, and one bad point that needs improving upon.
Allow me to start. GOOD - Zarp is probably the best organised and simplified yet fun DarkRP server in all of Gmod BAD -The police job is broken. The rewards for raiding are not high enough. What do you guys think? |
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You should post suggestions about it instead.
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Suggestions are different, they suggest large problems which we believe need to be changed, this thread was intended more as an agony aunt type, where we can just complain in a friendly manner while still supporting the work of Zarp
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Hi Bonjelaboy,
Thank you for your feedback: it is greatly appreciated. As for your suggestion regarding police rewards, it would have to be posted in the suggestions forum for the community to elaborate on. ZuaXX is completely right, the suggestions & feedback forum is a more appropriate place for any kind of change wanted to be made to the gamemode. Locked. |
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