Hi, I am writing this post regarding the admin: P3NGU1N!
I would like to suggest that he gets a promotion to Super Admin or something good. Now I understand that most probably this won't make a difference but I still would like to put my opinion here so everyone knows how awesome he is!
1. Nearly everyday I am on the server I make about 4-5 admin requests. Each time I get P3NGU1N, he always has his mic on and talks happily and professionally. P3NGU1N never seems to get annoyed with me and always tells me I have a right to report anything and how often I like, I never see him get angry and is always the first to reply to a Admin Request.
2. Any time I am walking past him he seems to be helping someone or having a joke with someone. He is a really big part of the community and I think he is what keep's everyone from logging off with rage or anger. He never lets anyone go feeling alone or not wanted, all the time he is on I know that I can rely on him to help me and other people
3. P3NGU1N gets on great with all the other staff and communicates really well with them even if he thinks they have done something wrong.
4. Never ever will he judge you on something you have done wrong nor will he get annoyed with you.
Overall, P3NGU1N is a really, amazing and helpful guy and Admin and needs to be recognised more as a helpful Admin. Without P3NGU1N I would have left the server and I am sure many other people would as well. So I am willing to support P3NGU1N to get super admin or something and be shown as a good admin with a nice friendly heart!
I am a player and I ask that P3NGU1N gets promoted as he is the best admin I have seen for a while.
P.S - P3NGU1N does not get know I have wrote this about him and he has not ask me to do this at all! I am just happy with him I had to do something!
Good Luck P3NGU1N,
- Rare