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TOPIC: Votekick

Votekick 12 years 1 month ago #31

ZARP SSRP Server Rules
Last Updated: July 20th, 2017

Requesting Help
When you encounter an issue in-game your first course of action should be to contact a staff member, you can do so by pressing F1 to access the report center. Here you should give a short description of the problem you are having. Once you've made the report a staff member will come to assist you as soon as possible.
Staff's Word is Final
If you have any issues with a verdict or a punishment given out by a staff member you need to accept it and then speak to a higher up staff member about it. You may also appeal your punishment or report the staff member in question on the forums if you feel like there was any misconduct.
Administrator Area
You may not role-play in the administrator area. This means that trades may not take place other than for booster pack or VIP. Stealing or doing hits is also prohibited but may be excluded during events.
The rules are in place in order to ensure a fun and safe environment on the servers and as such are not here for anyone to scrutinize or attempt to loophole. The staff have the final word on the rules, if you feel like a staff member is abusing you may submit a report against them.

Scamming is the act of stealing money, items or ZARP VIP/Booster Packs from another player through deception or trickery. It is strictly prohibited under the rules and can be punishable by our administration team. Scamming has long been an issue on ZARP, and there is a wide range of scams that range from the obvious to the in-depth and complex. Nearly all scams involve tricking the victim one way or another, although sometimes scammers will exploit the Trade System or other game features or bugs in order to steal other players items.

Gambling games are not considered scamming. If you are not willing to lose your money/items do not participate in gambling.

Administrators must have evidence before punishing players for scamming. If you are unsure ask a community team member to investigate the logs.

How to avoid being scammed

  • If a trade or deal seems good to be true, it’s most likely a scam.
  • If the other player is requiring you to give them valuable items saying they will give you other items back in another trade, it is likely a scam.
  • For very rare or expensive items that you’re not willing to lose. Do not drop them or gamble them at any point.
  • Keep your account information secure. Only ever enter your ZARP account details on www.zarpgaming.com And remember a ZARP staff member will never ask for your password.
  • ALWAYS check the trade menu carefully before pressing the Confirm trade button.
  • Never give out more that you are willing to lose.

1.0 General Conduct Rules

1.1 Discrimination - Discrimination in any form(racism, sexism, prejudicial remarks, xenophobia) is strictly prohibited on our servers.

1.2 Disrespect - We expect all users on the servers to conduct themselves respectfully and politely at all times.

1.3 Spamming - Spamming is not allowed on our servers, do not repeat messages within a short amount of time. This applies to both text and voice chat. Music may only be played by radio managers. Spamming your camera is not allowed.

1.4 Promotion of non-ZARP services - Promotion of competing communities or services is not allowed on our servers.

1.5 Client Side Modification & Hacking - Any form of hacking, scripting, cheating or malicious client modification is not allowed on our servers.

1.6 Avoiding Punishment - When being addressed by a staff member out of character, do not disconnect without their permission. Do not attempt to evade your punishments by creating new accounts or rejoining the servers.

1.7 Exploiting - Purposely abusing unintentional game or server features is prohibited.

1.8 Sale of In Game Items - Other than for VIP and Booster Packs the sale or trade of in-game items or currency for items or money outside the server is prohibited. Games gained from steam cases may be traded prior to being redeemed.

1.9 Impersonating Staff - You're not allowed to impersonate any staff members on the servers, this includes using names similar to those used by staff members within the community or saying that you are a member of the staff team when you are not. If you wish to use a name similar to that of a staff member you should first contact a lead team member for permission.
2.0 Character Rules

2.1 Names - Character or gang names may not be vulgar, offensive or blasphemous. Gang names must be unique and visibly different to those of other gangs.

2.2 Random Death Match - In order to kill or harm another player you require a valid role-play reason to do so. Crossfire is not an excuse for killing people nearby where you are raiding or shooting. This rule always applies unless another rule calls for an exception.

- Examples of valid reasons to kill another player:
The player enters a highly restricted area such as the bank vault or back of PD.
The player kills an ally or friend of yours.
The player attempts to destroy or steal your property.
The player acts threatening towards you.

2.3 New Life Rule - Do not return or interact with the district that you died in within three minutes of dying, unless otherwise specified by a different rule. If you died in the spawn district you should leave the district promptly without any role-play interaction.

Police jobs are allowed to break NLR at the PD or when attempting to stop an active nuke or bank raid.

Server One District Map
Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

Server Two District Map
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Server Three District Map
Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

2.4 Prop Abuse - The use of a prop to harm, push or surf is not allowed.

2.5 Spawn Areas - You are not allowed to obstruct spawn areas, this includes but isn't limited to building or parking vehicles in the way of spawn areas.

2.6 Custom Job Titles - Using custom job titles doesn't void other rules in place on the server or enable you to break the rules assigned to your job. An example being setting your job title to terrorist, you may do as such but it doesn't allow you to random death match players on the server. Your actions must be thoughtful and properly role-played. You may not set your custom job title to that of another job.

2.7 FearRP - If you are held at gunpoint and you weren't holding a gun first, you must follow demands given to you. You cannot equip a gun from your hot-bar or inventory at this time.

Melee weapons may also be used to enact FearRP but an armed opponent will be able to resist this regardless of the number of individuals armed with melee weapons.

Do not do anything to risk your life when under FearRP. The side with the most armed people are in charge of a situation, this means that large amount of people may overpower a single armed person even if that person already had a gun out. FearRP ends in the case of combat starting.

You must use /me to conduct FearRP. For example: '/me handcuffs [name]' or '/me locks vehicle door' to prevent escape.

- Taking a hostage: When under FearRP someone may be taken hostage and must then comply until their ransom is payed, someone breaks them out or the hostage takers are killed. The police should try their best to rescue the player without putting the player at risk. The maximum amount of time someone may be held hostage is five minutes and the maximum ransom is $50K. You may only take a hostage in a place that you cannot be seen or is not visited by many people. You can also kidnap someone anywhere if the area is empty. Kidnapping in the mines is not allowed.

- Mugging: When under FearRP someone may be mugged, they cannot refuse this if they have the money and cannot kill the mugger once the mug is over. The maximum amount that can be taken during a mug is $4K. You may not mug more than three times over the course of an hour. You may only mug in a place that you cannot be seen or is not visited by many people. You can also mug someone anywhere if the area is empty. Mugging in the mines is not allowed.

2.8 Bribing - You are not allowed to bribe or pay players to become other jobs.

2.9 Self Defense Against Police - You may only defend yourself against cops that are actively trying to arrest or attack you whilst you are wanted, this includes cops that are following you around for extended amounts of time.

2.10 Entity Bombing - You are not allowed to intentionally use entities as bombs to damage or destroy other entities or players.
3.0 Vehicle Rules

3.1a CDM Server 1 - You should actively avoid hitting players with your vehicle, this includes all areas of the map.

3.1b CDM Server 2 & 3 - You should actively avoid hitting players unless they are on the road.

3.2 Car Jacking - Players cannot 'car jack' vehicles, only unoccupied vehicles can be stolen.

3.3 Vehicle Collisions - If you get damaged as a result of getting hit by a car then you must warn the member using "/me" for example "/me watch where you are going or you will be killed next time!"

3.4 Boats - Players are not allowed to build boats in or on water.

3.5a Trailers Server 1 - Trailers are not allowed on server 1.

3.5b Trailers Server 2 & 3 - Trailers are allowed on server 2 & 3.
4.0 Building Rules

4.1 Fading Doors - You are allowed a maximum of three consecutive fading doors to access any part of your base, this does not include fading doors that are part of a printer safes. All fading doors require a button or keypad clearly visible and close to the fading door that can be used to activate them. Fading doors used to enter or exit your building should be operable from both sides of the fading door.

Fading doors used on printer safes must remain open permanently when activated, this doesn't apply to any other fading doors.

Fading doors may not be stacked inside each other and shouldn't force a player to make the choice between a lock pick or a keypad cracker in order to operate the entire fading door. 

4.2 Buttons & Keypads - Buttons and keypads must be clearly visible and should not be used as decorations but rather only be used for the activation of your contraptions.

4.3 Structure Appearance - Built structures must not have any flickering effects or invisible props. Your structures may not have any blacked out rooms or areas, only a single wall of face of your structure may be completely blacked out. Props may not have a lower transparency than 50. Structures should not obstruct vehicle passage on the roads, they may overlap with the roads so long as vehicle passage is possible without driving off-road, district bases, checkpoints and tollgates are excluded from this part of the rule.

4.4 Obstacles - Player built obstacles that impede player movement are not allowed. This includes obstacles that slow the player, force the player to crouch or force the player to jump. Players should not be forced to traverse over world props or difficult to traverse areas of the world they would not otherwise need to pass. This includes but isn't exclusive to forcing a player to jump or crouch between or through parts of the world or other strange places. No mazes may be built, players should only be presented with one way to navigate prop defenses.

4.5 Shooting Windows - Shooting windows must not be vertically shallower than the lampshade prop.

4.6 Ladders, Ramps & Bridges - Ladders, ramps or bridges must be wide enough for two players to stand side by side on them at once and cannot be fading doors. They must also be properly supported in a realistic way.

4.7 Roof Structures - Bases or structures may be built on a roof as long as the roof can be accessed, either via the world or with a built ramp, ladder or bridge and follow all other rules. The roof must also not be further from the ground than a plate1x8.mdl placed vertically. The roof also cannot border to the edges of the map.

4.8 Street Structures - Bases or structures may be built anywhere as long as they do not intrude on a property you do not own and follow all other rules.

4.9 Floating Structures - Structures must not be floating and should be aesthetically supported at the edges.

4.10 Prop Block - You may block unused areas and entrances of your structures or bases as long as there is at least one entrance and no entities are blocked.

4.11 Entities - Do not store entities in inaccessible areas of the map. This includes storing entities inside world props. Entities placed outside of a building must not be vertically further from the ground than a plate1x8.mdl placed vertically.

4.12 Kill boxes - Kill boxes that expose a part of a players hit box through the collision box of a prop are not allowed.

4.13 Elevators - Explosives weapons may not be fired up or down elevator shafts, this includes grenades. The usage of the force field to harm people inside an elevator is not allowed. Building or storing entities is also disallowed in the elevator shaft. Entities may not be stored in areas that are only accessible by elevator.

4.14 Fake Entrances - Structures are not allowed to have any fake entrances.

4.15 Purchasing/Claiming Properties & Areas - You may only purchase multiple properties if you have enough people to occupy each property. There should be at least one person per property. The owner of a property is the person that owns the main door. When taking over a district all buildings must be owned and have one person for each property. Districts with NPCs cannot be blocked and players must have full access to NPCs and all of their services. The player must also be able to leave after using the NPC.

4.16 Building Signs - A building sign may be placed on a structure that is under active construction. Whilst the sign is in place no entities may be stored or placed in the structure or building. You may only place building signs on buildings or structures you own. Anything similar to the word building will be counted as a building sign, creating "fake" signs still counts. Building signs should be clearly visible.

4.17 Police Departments - Only government employees may build in a police department. These are Police, SAS, SWAT, Prison Guard and Mayor. No illegal entities may be stored inside a police department. This rule also includes all jail areas.

4.18 Hospitals - No building in or on top of hospital buildings is allowed.

4.19 Metal Detectors - Any structure may contain metal detectors as long as they're not used to block entrances or used as building materials. Spamming metal detectors by walking through them is not allowed.

4.20 Police Checkpoints - Police, SWAT or SAS may construct checkpoints but these must be manned by two people at a time. Vehicles or players may only be held for a maximum of two minutes.

4.21 Text Screens - Text Screens must not have flickering effects, invisible or anything difficult to the eye. You are not allowed to place them on anyone's house or another players "Shop Area". Text Screens can not contain anything that is offensive or breaks TOU.

4.22 Cameras - You are not allowed to place your camera down multiple times in a row, You need to choose a spot for it in your base and leave it placed while you remain basing. This doesn't include when you're building.

4.23 RP Houses - An RP house sign may be placed to designate a RP House, these may not contain any non-prop entities other than cars, metal detectors, shop entities, cameras or donation boxes. You may only place RP House signs on buildings or structures you own. Anything similar to RP House will be counted as an RP House sign, creating "fake" signs still counts. RP House signs should be clearly visible.

4.24 Water - No storing entities or basing under water.

4.25 KOS Signs - KOS signs are not allowed to specify specific jobs that will or will not be KOS.

4.26a Restricted Buildings Server 2 - You may not build in or on top of the car dealership. The first floor of the spawn building cannot be built in other than the court room if you are Police, SAS, Mayor or SWAT. Anyone may build on the second floor of the spawn building.

4.26b Restricted Buildings Server 3 - No building in the first floor of the nexus.
5.0 Raiding Rules

5.1 Raid timer - Do not raid the same base more than once within ten minutes. The raid does not end and may continue if you are revived by a server item such as a defibrillator or tactical insertion.

Active nuke launches, active bank vault raids and police department raids are exempt to this rule.

5.2 Finish - You should leave as soon as possible once you are done raiding. You are not allowed to wait in a base for plants to finish growing, the same applies to drugs being made.

5.3 Special Weapons - If special weapons are used on props or a base an attempt must be made to access and raid the area.

5.4 Building & RP House Signs - If someone has a building sign or RP House sign they cannot be raided. If you think they have entities in their building report it to a staff member.

5.5 Shops - Do not raid shops unless they have another door/fading door other than their main entrance or have raid-able entities in their shop.

5.6 Building - Building or rebuilding during a raid is not allowed. Any repairs must be done once the raid has ended. A single prop may be placed during a raid in order to block a camera but this should be removed once the raid has ended.
6.0 Bank Vault Rules

6.1 - Any job that can raid may also raid and build in the bank.

6.2 - No entrances to the bank vault may be blocked, it must be possible to enter through all entrances to the vault.

6.3 - Only health and armor chargers or weapons may be stored in the bank vault, no other entities. On server two this applies to the entire bank.

6.4 - No fading doors may be used in the bank vault.

6.5 - Once the raid is active and the countdown is going no building is allowed in the bank vault until the raid either fails or succeeds and all raids are over.
7.0 Active Nuke Launch Rules

7.1 - Any job that is allowed to raid may also raid the nuke.

7.2 - It is not allowed to prop block the nuke.

7.3 - Once the nuke countdown is active no building is allowed in the base that stores the nuke until the launch has either failed or succeeded and all raids are over.
8.0 Mine Rules

8.1 - Only miners can build in the mines.

8.2 - The usage of fading doors in the mines is not allowed.

8.3 - Do not build in the entrance to the mines.

8.4 - Do not build in top of other players or their structures in the mine, if someone has a built structure it must be removed before yours can be placed.

8.5 - Structures built for the mines may not cover any nearby roads at all.

8.6 - You are not allowed to block or build directly around the mining entities. The closest prop should be three body lengths away. This means that three people should be able to stand stacked in any direction from the mining entities without being stopped by props.

Example Image:
Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

9.0 Job Rules

9.1 Job Abuse - You may not switch jobs in order to instantly claim a hit, you also can't switch
from a job that can't raid to a job that can raid in order to raid the base you are currently in.

9.2 Weapon Usage - All jobs can use all types of weapons unless stated otherwise such as for the mutant job

Raid/Mug: No.
Print: Yes.
- Citizen is a job which allows for general roleplay.
- You can give yourself a roleplay job (within reason), but it shouldn't be criminal.

Gun/Heavy Weapons Dealer
Raid/Mug: No.
Print: Yes.
- You must own a shop. No spawning printers until you setup your shop. The shop should be part of where you are basing unless it is an outdoor stall.
- You can't live with criminals, you can however visit them to sell them weapons.

Raid/Mug: No.
Print: Yes.
- Medics should run some form of hospital, or other medical related roleplay aspect.
- They can be hired by anyone to accompany and heal them on raids, etc.

Shop Owner
Raid/Mug: No.
Print: Yes.
- You need a shop/checkout. Do this before basing.
- You should use a shop location if possible.

Raid/Mug: No.
Print: Yes.
- The priest is generally a good citizen. He can be corrupt though, and brainwash people to go against secular laws.
- No roleplaying with distasteful marks such as the swastika, regardless of context.

Furniture Salesman
Raid/Mug: No.
Print: Yes.
- You can own a shop.
- You must sell furniture, but don't mess around with it (eg: physgunning it into the sky.)

Raid/Mug: No.
Print: Yes.
- The banker is there to store printers.
- You must own a bank.
- You can be raided, but not by police. Police should unwanted you for defending the bank, and assist you when you are being raided.
- If you are about to remove your bank for whatever reason, give those you have stored printers with ten minutes notice. If they don't collect their printer after ten minutes, destroy them and move on with your life.

Hotel Owner
Raid/Mug: No.
Print: Yes.
- The hotel owner can accommodate people for a price by taking over a hotel building.
- Defend your residents, don't let unwanted people in.
- They can also open a 'real estate' shop, but should actively do this and not run a hotel at the same time. They should only own 2 other properties including their shop, to avoid buying the whole map.

Radio Manager
Raid/Mug: No.
Print: No..
- You are there to simply play or perform music (and music only).
- You can only play music in a vehicle as long as you keep moving around the map (don't just stop or loiter an area to troll someone.)
- You also are allowed to play music in a building.
- You can be told to move further in your building by the police if people complain, and if you refuse you can be arrested.
- No playing Music on the street without a stand / stage.

Raid/Mug: No.
Print: Yes.
- Should only base with other people from the middle class group.
- You can build a base in the mining area, but it must abide by all Mining Area and Base rules. (Rules 4.0 and 8.0)

Police/SAS/S.W.A.T/S.W.A.T Sniper/S.W.A.T Leader - These jobs are here only to keep the streets free of crime, this means you cannot be corrupt. There should always be an attempt to arrest a suspect unless; the suspect is resisting arrest, engaging in combat or raiding.

Raid/Mug: Raid, but not mug.
Print: No.
- These jobs are here only to keep the streets free of crime.
- They don't have to ask why people are wanted.
- You can randomly weapon check as long as you roleplay it (eg: "/me subjects to random weapon check. Don't move or you will be arrested.")
- They may only arrest wanted/people who break city law.
- Obey the Mayor, Police Chief and S.W.A.T Leader.
- You may only taser people for a maximum of 10 seconds after that either let them go or arrest them.
- Carrying a gun in your hotbar is illegal and warrants an arrest, excluding pistols and gang weapons.
- Carrying a gun in your hands is illegal and warrants an arrest, including gang GUNS but excluding pistols.
- Server 1: Only in the Police Department
- Server 2: Only in the Police Department and Court Room / Mayor Office
- Server 3: Only in the Jail
- All Servers: Anywhere when creating a police checkpoint.

- There should always be an attempt to arrest a suspect unless; the suspect is resisting arrest, engaging in combat or raiding.

Prison Guard
Raid/Mug: No.
Print: No.
-Can make a check point but only in the PD district
-Can only build in the Police station and court room.

Raid/Mug: Can accompany if with their employer.
Print: Yes.
- You are there to guard an establishment or person, including the mayor.
- You may own any weapon.
- Police should unwanted you if you are defending your employer/establishment AS LONG AS they are working for a legal establishment/player.
- You can't have your own base, but you can be part of your boss' base.

Raid/Mug: No.
Print: No.
- You are a valuable person, you set laws & taxes, etc.
- You therefore value your life. Stay safe.
- No favouritism within laws. Laws may also not break the rules.
- Laws can't contradict the default laws, or legalize things that are part of the auto-wanted system.
- You're not allowed to make a law about J-Walking

Raid/Mug: Yes.
Print: Yes.

Raid/Mug: Yes.
Print: Yes.

Raid/Mug: Can raid, Can mug.
Print: Yes.
- Should not camp, and should actively raid.
- Can be employed to steal/raid/locksmith, but if police hear/see the transaction in place, both parties are guilty and can be arrested.

Raid/Mug: Can raid if the people inside have a bounty, can't mug.
Print: Yes.
- No taking private hits. They must be done through the system (/hit)
- You can base with criminals.
- You are allowed to kill anyone, anywhere with a hit on their head.

Black Market Dealer
Raid/Mug: No.
Print: Yes.
- Can base with and supply criminals.
- Can own a shop if they want to.

Drug Dealer
Raid/Mug: No.
Print: Yes.
- Can base with and supply criminals.
- Can roleplay as a bartender, and sell alcohol/vodka without being arrested (they should tell police to unwanted them.)

Raid/Mug: Can raid, can mug.
Print: Can print.
- Can build anywhere except inside, but props on road should still allow all vehicles to get past.
- Can build a toll gate, but police can arrest for this illegal practice (if arrested, the hobo must remove it for the duration of their arrest.) The toll gate should be open if you go AFK or leave the booth.
- Can't own doors.
- Can use keypads/fading doors.
- People must do a "/me threatens hobo" or something similar to tell them to stop throwing bugbait before shooting them. If they throw bugbait at your property (including vehicle) you can shoot them immediately.
- Mutants and Hobo are at war and can kill each other anywhere on the map.(Don't Spawn camp)

Raid/Mug: Can raid underground bases, no mugging.
Print: No.
- Can build outdoors/above ground.
- Can use keypads.
- Can only use melee weapons.
- NLR does not apply to the warehouse and PD district but still applies to all other districts.
- Mutants shouldn't kill each other.
- Mutants and Hobo are at war and can kill each other anywhere on the map.(Don't Spawn camp)
- Mutants can NOT wear ANY outfits or suits.
- Mutants can not kill in Government buildings.
- Mutants can not kill anyone in the mines.

Server 1 - Downtownc
- Mutants KOS people who attack them first, or anyone who is in the warehouse district, mutant spawn tunnels or PD district (Not including the PD Building or Mining Area ). These 'zones' stop as soon as the tunnel begins.
- Mutants can be KOSed anywhere except for their spawn tunnels, unless they attack you first in the tunnels.

Server 2 - RockFord
- Mutants can be KOSed anywhere except for their spawn tunnels, unless they attack you first under the bridge ( Their Spawn ).
-Mutants KOS people who attack them first, or anyone who is in the River district. ( The long road that the river runs adjacent )

Server 3 - Evocity
- Mutants can be KOSed anywhere except for their spawn ,unless they attack you first in the tree line of the abandoned town district ( Their Spawn ).
- Mutants KOS people who attack them first, or anyone who is in the abandoned town District. ( Insert )
- Mutants can only base in the abandoned town in the abandoned town District
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Votekick 12 years 1 month ago #36

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