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⭐ Safely Trade VIP and Booster Packs ⭐
When trading VIP and Booster Packs the most important thing you can do is cover your own back and ensure that you are recieving what you have agreed upon with the other party. Whether you are the reciever of in-game items / cash or recieving VIP / booster packs. Below is a step by step guide on how to successfully trade for the aforementioned items and avoid being scammed in the process.
Step 1 - The most important part of making sure you get what you expect is to communicate clearly and double check with your trade partner that you both agree to the items that are going to be swapping hands. For example, if you want to trade $1,000,000,000 cash for VIP, make absolutely sure that the other party agrees to this and understands what they will be recieving cash and donating VIP to yourself in exchange. Step 2 - Make either an F1 in-game or contact a staff member who holds the administrator rank or higher, all administrators are elligable to assist in holding items for users in instances that booster packs or VIP are being traded. Step 3 - There are two parts to this step, to reduce confusion please refer to whichever side you may be on.
If you are attempting to buy VIP and/or booster packs you need to make sure you can actually cover the cost of whatever is agreed upon, once you have gathered together the items and/or cash agreed upon you should give them to the staff member dealing with the trade, once the staff member has recieved these items they can go ahead and confirm to your trade partner to proceed with the purchase of VIP and/or booster packs. If you are attempting to sell VIP and/or booster packs you will need to make sure that you can firstly afford to purchase the agreed VIP and/or booster packs and that you are happy to spend the money to do so. If you are happy and still wish to proceed at the this point, all you need to do is wait for the staff member handling the trade to give you the go ahead to proceed with purchasing the VIP and/or booster packs. Step 4 - In some cases trades may take up to a few days to complete, usually this is only in an instance where transfering booster packs is required. Once you have completed the transaction for your VIP and/or booster packs you should inform the staff member handling the trade so that they may confirm with your trade partner. Step 5 - Once your trade partner has confirmed they have recieved the VIP and/or booster packs the administrator should promptly trade the player who completed the transaction and give them any agreed upon items. If you are wanting to transfer your booster packs to another user you can do so by creating a new thread on the forums requesting to do so. It is important that contained within your request is the target users forum profile and the exact amount of booster packs you wish to transfer. You should clearly outline in the post subject that it is a booster pack transfer. Booster packs transfers are only able to be handled by a community owner and therefore responses may not be immediate. Note: It is highly risky to trade for VIP or booster packs without getting a staff members assistance, there is no in-game system to prevent either party from not paying up and you are entirely reliant upon trust. Scamming is against the SSRP server rules and doing so will result in your account being permanently banned until you are able or are willing to pay what you owe to the opposite party. |
Last Edit: 1 year 11 months ago by Nafe.
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