Neilsen wrote:
Morgan wrote:
The Mega Match is pretty profitable, it's a fun update considering I got the hoverboard and have had fun playing the update. Just hope the hoverboards stay rare considering most people with them spent upwards of $100-200 on average to get a hover case.
considering last update with what was it the suit frenzy and only getting edfs and stuff like that, the mega match is a simular concept but u can make profit from it. while i was banned i spent around 250m and i made 3 regen suits , 60 tokens , like 6 gem o matics , 9 bp cases , 18 weapon cases and 12 or 15 printer boosters x2. so its fairly good,
the new item earthquake is meh and apparently the dynamite launcher is fairly powerfull.
You're only saying that because it turned your council house to rubble