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Attachment not foundname: [Z]Pika[Z] Link To My Steam: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198198761134 Steam ID :STEAM_0:0:119247703 Server-1 : www.gametracker.com/player/Pikachu-%3E--...arpgaming.com:27030/ Age: 10 Estimated Server Time : 8 Hours Languages I speak: English Dutch German Frensh Russian Someone new joins the server, explain how you would show them how to B-hop Hey Welcome On The Server I Will Be Youre Teacher For Today I Should Learn You How To Bhop Use W Sprint And Space And Hold It And Then Press a And d and you will get it i can t tell you know to bhop pro like a boss cuz you need to learn what i have learned you i hop you will understand this.. Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming. Hey Bud Can You Stop Mic Spamming. And If He Wont Stops I WIll Tell Him And If Hes Doing It Again I Will Gagg/mute you. And If He Wont Stop I Will Ban Him. what if a player is exploiting i will tell him that he is exploting i will forgive him and if he does it again i well tel it and if he is exploiting for 3 times i will warn him and if he does it again i will tell a admin or a higher rank and if he does it 6 time i will ban him for a week and if he does it 15 times i will ban him perma why should i be chosen? i will be on high activity and i will play much and i will teach players how to bhop and will lissen to the rules what the higher staff sais and i will use the commands if i need to use them and i will do what i have said in tha apply. This Was My Apply I Hope You Enjoyed It i hope that i can apply again and i will be a great mod if it will be accept oh yeh zarp i like you but the staff on deathrun are mean but i play bhop the most |
Last Edit: 8 years 2 months ago by Pika.
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You missed parts of the template out. Make sure to add everything:
[b]Someone new joins the server, explain how you would show them how to B-hop:[/b]
[b]Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming:[/b]
[b]Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server:[/b]
[b]Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words):[/b]
[b]Extra Information: (Not Required) [/b] |
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sorry that i missed it Jim_jam
i wanted to see my apply but its now done |
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Jim_Jam
Either your gametrackers don't work or you have only played on the server for 45 minutes in total. It is suggested that you have at least 1 week of constant activity before applying. This should mean you have at least 5 hours on the server, not 45 minutes.
Anyway, good luck! ![]() |
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My Rank is prowler now and you was banned so who can be a better mod
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Thanks for applying for staff at ZARP BHOP! During our weekly staff meeting your application, question answers, game trackers and in-game warnings are checked and then the staff team votes on your application.
We just wanted to say Congratulations! The staff team has voted to accept your application, which means you’re now a part of the ZARP staff. Before you get started, another admin will help train you on the server and get you setup with your new rank. There’s also a handy guide created by the community which should help you get up to speed with your new menus & commands. And don’t forget you can always ask another staff member if you’re not sure about something ZARP BHOP Staff Meeting – Every Sunday 8PM UTC There’s a weekly staff meeting for the server at the above time, which is held on the ZARP Teamspeak server (IP: ts.zarpgaming.com). You now get a vote on the new staff members and we’ll keep you up to date with new events and server updates at the meeting. Congratulations and thanks for supporting ZARP! ![]() |
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