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Here are some maps I like and would like to see on the server:
Map Name: Bhop_Japan Pictures: Why the map should be chosen: Rating on GameBanana: 10/10. Difficulty: Intermediate. Polish: Very well made. Opinions: Not that hard, well made and speedrunnable. Map Name: Bhop_Exodus Pictures: Why the map should be chosen: Rating on GameBanana: 9.81/10. Difficulty: Expert. Polish: Well made. Opinions: Not that hard, long, a lot of variety between levels. Map Name: Bhop_Hive Pictures: Why the map should be chosen: Rating on GameBanana: 9.38/10. Difficulty: Expert. Polish: Very well made. Opinions: Great long map, average difficulty. Map Name: Bhop_Null_v2 Pictures: Why the map should be chosen: Rating on GameBanana: 9.46/10 Difficulty: Expert. Polish: Very well made. Opinions: Well made long map with a few hard parts and its fun to speedrun. Map Name: Bhop_Toc Pictures: Why the map should be chosen: Rating on GameBanana: 8.95/10. Difficulty: Intermediate. Polish: Well made. Opinions: Well made long map that is quite easy. Map Name: Bhop_Stronghold Pictures: Why the map should be chosen: Rating on GameBanana: 9.18/10. Difficulty: Expert. Polish: Well made. Opinions: Well made long map. Challenging and has long jumps in it. Map Name: Bhop_Exceptional Pictures: Why the map should be chosen: Rating on GameBanana: 7.34/10. Difficulty: Expert. Polish: Average. Opinions: Long hard map. Map Name: Bhop_Fruits2 Pictures: Why the map should be chosen: Rating on GameBanana: 7.50/10. Difficulty: Expert. Polish: Well made. Opinions: Great long map, quite challenging and constant fast pace. Map Name: Bhop_Serzv2 Pictures: Why the map should be chosen: Rating on GameBanana: 7.18/10. Difficulty: Intermediate. Polish: Average. Opinions: Good long map, not that hard. Map Name: Bhop_Ivy_Final Pictures: Why the map should be chosen: Rating on GameBanana: 9.11/10. Difficulty: Expert. Polish: Decent. Opinions: Long hard map. Good for players who want a challenge. Map Name: Bhop_Soaatana Pictures: Why the map should be chosen: Rating on GameBanana: 9.50/10. Difficulty: Easy. Polish: Very well made. Opinions: Well made short map that is fun for beginners and fun to speedrun for better players. EDIT: Removed the 2 maps from the suggestions that were already on the server. |
Last Edit: 9 years 7 months ago by MrBuzzKill.
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Awesome maps, would be great additions to the current map pool, although eyes and fury are on the server already.
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I'd love to see the majority, if not all of these maps implemented onto the server
gayy lmoa
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