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TOPIC: [TTT] How To Be A Good Detective

[TTT] How To Be A Good Detective 10 years 6 months ago #64058

Hello, my name is illusioN and I have been playing TTT for months. Over these past couple of months I have noticed alot of people do not like playing as a detective because they simply don't know how. I decided to create this little guide to try and help those who do not know how to correctly play the detective role, I hope this will be helpful.

The DNA Scanner
This is your most powerful tool, you get the DNA scanner at the start of the round when you become a detective. This tool will basically help you find out who the traitor is. Once an innocent person dies it is recommended to ask people to call you to the dead body to make it easier to find. When you get to the dead body you equip your DNA scanner and right click the body, now there should be a little radar on your screen following the person that killed him, simply follow the radar, find the killer, and destroy him using your weapon.

The Detective Buy Menu
When you press C the buy menu will open, there will be alot of things you can choose from, I recommend buying the radar as it could be very useful. An example would be when you're in a 1v1 situation you can see where the other person is because of the radar or simply to see how many people are alive.

Assume Everyone Is Playing By The Rules
Once you scan a body for DNA you have to imagine everyone is playing by the rules. Even if someone rdmed another person, you can kill them, as long as the guy they rdmed was innocent.

Giving Orders
As a detective you can give orders to all innocent people, as long as they aren't too extreme. A very common and useful order is calling everyone to the T tester, if someone doesn't come after a good amount of time you are allowed to call KOS on them, however, if they say they don't know where the T tester is it is recommended that you tell him how to get to the T tester as he may be new to the gamemode or simply doesn't know the map. If he still doesn't come after you told him how to get there, you are more than free to call KOS on him.

Calling KOS
This applies to both detective and innocent, only call KOS when you are sure the person is a traitor! There is a list of reasons you can call KOS on someone for in the TTT Server Rules thread which is located at the top of the TTT section.

Staying with a group of people
It is recommended you stay with a group of proven people as the chance you and your proven buddies get killed by the traitor is very low. Traitors try to never kill someone standing in a group of people as there is a huge chance they will get killed or called KOS on, you can scan the bodies while your friends protect you.

The End
I hope this little guide helped you understanding how to play the detective role, and remember, ALL rules apply to detectives aswell! The rules can be found HERE

Did I forget anything? Feel free to point out what I forgot and I will make sure I look into it
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[TTT] How To Be A Good Detective 10 years 6 months ago #64059

Thanks for the guide illusioN, now no one will know how crap I am at Detective. Could you do a guide for the traitors too. <3
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[TTT] How To Be A Good Detective 10 years 6 months ago #64060

"6/10 like murder with guns" - IGN

Good guide, bby.

(Fnatic in finals of Starseries this year)
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[TTT] How To Be A Good Detective 10 years 6 months ago #64075

Might also be useful to tell people that a Detective can give an innocent a golden deagle and use it proof someone if he is willing to risk his life.
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[TTT] How To Be A Good Detective 10 years 6 months ago #64080

All you really need to do is get the golden deagle, too OP... and you win.

JK well done, amazing guide for people to follow!
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[TTT] How To Be A Good Detective 10 years 6 months ago #64081

「LIGHƬΔΓΓΘШЅ.exe」 wrote:
Might also be useful to tell people that a Detective can give an innocent a golden deagle and use it proof someone if he is willing to risk his life.

Still looks like RDM to me. Although I would love to see the golden deagle getting removed.
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[TTT] How To Be A Good Detective 10 years 6 months ago #64082

tomvtv wrote:
Still looks like RDM to me. Although I would love to see the golden deagle getting removed.

Personally, I don't understand the hate behind it. Sure, it 1-hit kills Traitors, but it only has 2 shots, cannot be re-bought and they're quite easy to dodge. Not to mention that the Innocent/Detective is risking their life on it, and with the amount of innocents they are more than likely to end up killing themselves.
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[TTT] How To Be A Good Detective 10 years 6 months ago #64107

「LIGHƬΔΓΓΘШЅ.exe」 wrote:
tomvtv wrote:
Still looks like RDM to me. Although I would love to see the golden deagle getting removed.

Personally, I don't understand the hate behind it. Sure, it 1-hit kills Traitors, but it only has 2 shots, cannot be re-bought and they're quite easy to dodge. Not to mention that the Innocent/Detective is risking their life on it, and with the amount of innocents they are more than likely to end up killing themselves.

What if you're a pro 360 noscoper?

And yeah, when I first bought the gold deag, I didn't know what it did, so I shot someone randomly... Yep....
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