maddox wrote:
Kanna. wrote:
probably just a networking thing
explain in monkey terms I don’t understand
monkey terms you
don't understand?
But i was gonna tell you that what you see on your sceen is sometimes not the same as what the server sees. What the server sees is typically considered the
true seeing.
It's the best, most accurate and up-to-date
seeing, because it's what most of the clients agree on seeing when predicting changes, like movement, along with the server.
I think the image above shows this well. (in the image the guys are walking, hence causing the following) What you see on your client is the blue guys, and what the server sees are both the blue and white guys. The server sees both the blue and white because something has gone out-of-sync between your client and the server. The server is now trying to correct for this by letting you, in this case, hit both the blue and white guys with your bullets. Althought this is not the case for all games, or even all servers.
From what i see on gmod. The server only lets you to hit the white guy. Sometimes the white guy trails behind the blue guy. Sometimes the white guy leads infront of the blue guy. It depends on connection delays.
In my video i shoot someone and they bleed. That means i hit their hitbox on my client. But the server does not agree with my client. So no damage