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The point shop has skins that are not included in the zarp download package. When a non-staff player used it the other day, people were complaining because you cannot see the skin, its either an error or just invisible. The staff then made the player change his skin due to it being unfair for everyone else.
Now we have different staff on and one of them is using the same skin. I cannot see him and everyone else see's him as an error. Im not saying he is in the wrong, but he will not take the skin off which is 1, unfair to the other person that got told to take it off and 2, everyone that cannot see the skin since it doesnt come included with the downloads for Zarp TTT. Can you please either include the skins download somewhere on the server so people can get it, or remove it from the pointshop. Or just have a rule saying people cant use it. Edit: There is a download link for it, but its not anywhere on the server, which is should be imo |
Last Edit: 4 years 11 months ago by UndeadDesk. Reason: Added link opinion
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I am going to, but it should be included in the server. otherwise why have it
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The only reason a player model could be invisible is due to a glitch because of the server (this happens to a lot of skins)
Whereas the Marueary Tyrell skin is not included for some reason. You can download the skin here: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetai...archtext=Marg+tyrell I hope this gets added into the content soon because I find this skin quite cool when it’s not an error. And I’m quite tired of people complaining about it. |
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Jim_Jam
Oh yeah users aren't allowed to use error skins but if I ask a mod to change it bc it's an error they just ignore it and act as if nothing is wrong
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The following user(s) said Thank You: Jim_Jam, alkemisten