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Basically, I have two warnings to dispute as listed above. My PC was broken over the holiday, which meant i couldnt play ttt or do my assignment on my engineering degree -.- So i am certain that i wasnt playing ttt on that date. The second warning is from the 24/1/20. I recieved 2, one on the 23rd and the other on the 24th, but they both say 24th. One is deserved as i killed a t without much justification, apart from the recently dead body that was next to him.
The one to dispute is the second warning, as i was twice accussed of rdm when i was playing as a *Traitor*. Thw warning said not to kill my buddy, but i didnt kill my buddy, i killed the detective; who reported me using the command. My memory isn't the best, but i remember that I was given a warning and killed the next round, when i was the only T, so the round ended immediately. I then was T later on and killed that same player who was a detective, who reported me *again*, complaining that i kept killing him at the start of the round when he was detective. |
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Hi cpsryan,
If you feel that you have been falsely warned, please feel free to make an Appeal in the Appeals Section. If you are appealing your punishments, please ensure that you follow the appropriate Punishment Appeal Template and an Admin+ will handle the appeal as soon as they are able to. Thanks! |
Discord: thexnator
Former Community Owner: 2020-2022
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