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Chose to finally play some tonight, a few rounds. At first things went well; voice chat on some and communications. Later as more senior players left, the server devolved quickly into racism and rdm at round start, even within the first second of the round. Even when playing as a Traitor, players either quickly ended the round with a single rdm shot, or in my case, win the round because the entirety of the players on the server rdm'd each other until it was only 1 v 1.
I am unsure how things work on this network's servers, but I had gone through the rules multiple times before, and had expected there to be some sort of enforcement in place for them. Perhaps I chose the wrong night, admins were perhaps busy, but wasn't the best first experience for zarp. |
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I'm sorry your experience was not the best due to the lack of staff and moderation on the server.
We try our best to be as active as possible, however most probably because of diverse time zones, most staff can't be on at times where let's say it's prime time for the NA region. I highly recommend you make a post on the forums requesting staff, or use our official discord server and ask for staff to get on via the #request-staff channel if there is any rulebreaking going on in the server. Have a nice day, hope to see you again on ZARP! |
Last Edit: 5 years 1 month ago by Davidov007.
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