enjoy of me exposing my self 1: when I joined I rdmed a lot now I got banned in the past of me rdming. 2: being an asshole to people in voice chat now Jim knows I was an asshole and started fights. in the past, I wasn't speaking in the voice chat in the past. few days decided to talk. now listen I was so salty back way than in the voice chat and weeks I was also. I have proof a person being racist since people not gonna give a shit enjoy.
zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/ttt/14718...ortant-not-clickbait. yep now listen to this picture I'm showing ISNT A JOKE NOT photoshopped. oh yeah, I can leak my private videos if would you like. I know they made an update in the past I told my self to move on 3: Exposing my self in the forums now when I joined I wanted to be a staff member so I stole somebody application an admin named "CeeZee" I think he told me to add me on STEAM for help so yeah helped people hated my application house told me poor application yim yam told to house
said "no need to be a dick he's clearly new to the forums "I respected that 4: being rude to house I don't have proof of it but I'm gonna admit myself I was salty to him called fuck and all that. he said in the forums on my new application poor attitude on me on steam I didn't reveal that I was rude to him but imma say it today. welp, hope you enjoyed the list of me being an idiot on the server goodbye Love RANDOM2222

EDIT: thank you if read the whole way through the last I made was fucking dumb I deleted the video 1: rude to Jim 2:rude to staff members 3: Calling people Minecraft virgins that was out my mind. goodbye before you even hate-read all the way through