Hello Zarp Community. With this post I will be announcing my campaign for TTT Server Owner. I have been apart of this community for a total of 4 years and throughout my time playing here I have thoroughly enjoyed playing on the TTT server. Since there is no official server owner at the moment, I thought I'd take the opportunity to go for the owner role and do whatever I can to help the server grow.
Over the past week I have been asking around and compiling all of the suggestions given to me by both users and staff on the server. As a Server Owner, it is important for me to communicate with the TTT community on a regular basis and ensure that the server is in good shape. I have passed on some of these suggestions and they are already approved by Xnator & Clarky themselves!
I realise as server owner i wouldn't be able to bring out server two since it's more of a community team decision. However, I would like to work closely with the community team and assist them with bringing out the long awaited TTT Server 2. Here are my ideas and the suggestions I have gathered from the TTT community regarding what should be included on a new server, if it ever happens (which it should!):
Now that that's out of the way, I'll share what I believe needs to be added to the current TTT Server.
First and foremost, besides having TTT S2, a lot of people wanted more Traitor and Detective weapons. I personally agree with this since we've had pretty much the same weapons for an extremely long time, with the exception of the harpoon. Below are some ideas for weapons which were both suggested to me and things I found from browsing the workshop.
Traitor Weapons:
For the Traitors, I tried to avoid the classic explosive weapons since I believe there's far too many of those right now. Here are examples of 3 that I found that look fun:
Add the RSB back (but correctly this time) (
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=550005969) - This was really fun when it was on the server in the past, minus all of the bugs and issues it caused.
Turtle Grenade (
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=106404821) - Who doesn't want to be eaten alive by rabid turtles.
Spring Mine (
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=922285407) - I saw this on the workshop and instantly went onto a private server to test it. I think this would be a fun weapon to add to the server.
Detective Weapons:
I couldn't really find any detective only weapons that would fit in with our TTT server. For now, I have found 1 that looks pretty good:
Magnum (
steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=311170000) - I like the idea if having a revolver-type weapon on the server than isn't the damn Colt Python. I will go ahead and test this weapon at some point, but for now mark it as a "maybe".
--I will add more here as it's suggested to me. If you have an idea for weapons, post them here!--
I also looked at the current state of TTT and have some changes/nerfs to propose that I think will improve gameplay immensely.
Make C4 a One Time Buy per Traitor
Not many people have mentioned this as of yet but I have asked around and the majority of people agree. The C4 right now is very strong since traitors can buy multiple C4s. Because the minecraft map is pretty small, the T's can blow up the whole map in just a few C4s, which isn't that hard to do with no limit on the amount they can buy. I think it would be a good idea to limit the amount of C4's each traitor can buy to 1/2.
Add More Ammo Around the Map
Since the server has a lot of players pretty much constantly, for most of the rounds there isn't enough ammo to go around. I think adding more ammo would be good for everyone.
--There's another change suggested to me recently but I will ask around and see if other people agree before I post it here.
That's all of the ideas I have for physical content to be added onto the server (that I have tested). I will work on testing them over the next few days and update this thread when necessary. The majority of my other ideas involve changes/fixes to certain elements of staffing on the server so I didn't see the need in posting them here.
It's also worth mentioning I can code to a very basic level. I'm not going to lie and say I can to get Server Owner *cough* *cough*, I'd rather be honest from the start. I have started to watch a bunch of tutorials on LUA over the past week & I am slowly getting better, and will be as good as Xnator himself some day.
I am actively going through the information thread for TTT and updating it as much as possible because some of the posts there are outdated and the information in them is incorrect. It is important for threads like these to remain updated at all times as they are a great help to new players and they help them to learn about the map, TTT gamemode & our TTT server in particular.
I will add more to this over the next few weeks and I hope you will support me on my journey to Server Owner!
[img size=500]https://i.imgur.com/S1owk4z.png[/img]
[img size=500]https://i.imgur.com/BIpJjwP.png[/img]
[img size=500]https://i.ibb.co/zQHLQg0/heh.png[/img]