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TOPIC: [TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App

[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1017325

Steam Name: Miia

Time Zone: GMT +0:00

Link to Steam Profile:steamcommunity.com/id/MiiaBestSnek/

What server are you applying for?: TTT

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:176158830

Current Gametracker Profiles: www.gametracker.com/player/Miia/play.zarpgaming.com:27017/

Estimated Server Time: 1,559.75 hours

Languages I speak: English

How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:
I have been staff for a long time now, i first became moderator over a year ago and got admin a month later. During my time as staff i matured greatly from who i was at the start, i got moderator just after getting unbanned and prior to that ban i was quite a disrespectful person at times, thankfully i can say i am not the same person i was back then. Now i always remain calm and friendly when dealing with/talking to anyone be it user or staff as i believe that being as friendly as possible is one of the most important things a staff member can be because it helps to create an enjoyable environment for everyone on the server. The time has also been very important as it has given me a lot of experience with dealing with the more common and even the more unique scenarios that a staff member can have to deal with on TTT, which is very important as i spend a lot of time helping newer mods and admins deal with situations that they me struggling with.

What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team? ( in this part you can go as detailed as you want):
Activity: I first joined the server in March 2017, since then i have been consistently active and currently have the highest amount of time played on the server. Since i became staff i admittedly can't play as much as i used to as it had a significant impact on my life outside of Gmod but i still get well over the minimum of 4 hours every week and in 6 months have only needed to make 1 inactivity notice.

Attitude: As i mentioned above i believe it is very important that staff try to make the server as enjoyable as possible for the users that play it, if i was just on to deal with reports i do not think i would be doing enough. Remaining friendly and calm at all times is a must but i try my best to also interact with users as much as possible, be it in or out of game. As a staff member i think its important to be friends with as many users as possible and always try to be talking in game.

Always happy to help: I will always go out of my way to help someone if they approach me with a problem, be it another staff member or a user. I am always helping new staff get more used to the role and if they ask for help attempt to aid them through the report/situation rather than just take over, as they would learn nothing if i did it all for them. If i ever see there are no staff online or there is only a single moderator on the server i will go out of my way to get on and help them regardless of the time and if i have other things to be doing. This also applies to if someone approaches me about a non-game related issue, i once stayed up all night talking to someone as they were having a rough time with their life and needed someone to talk to.

Forums: While i may not be the most active i make sure that i give my opinion on any TTT related discussions, be it warn appeals or just general questions about some rules. When responding to moderator and admin applications i will never just give my opinion, i will also make sure the person knows where they could improve. Even if the person is applying for moderator with zero activity i will still make sure that i fully read through their application and give them some pointers if anything is wrong or there is something that could be improved.

Handling reports: When i am handling reports i always try to be fair to all parties involved as i do not believe that every report must result in a punishment, as staff we are here to make the users stay enjoyable, not punish for petty reasons. I think a big part of staff is knowing when and when not to punish someone, even if they did technically break a rule. I almost always open a chat box even if it may seem unneeded, this is because its all good just saying RDM for the warn reason but that does not mean that the user actually understands the rule, therefore i think its best to always open a chat so i can make sure that they understand.

Extra stuff: I can actually put this in server applications

Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:
While in my 6 months as staff there have not actually been that many times where i was unable to deal with a situation. I think the big one is hackers, however there are two types of hackers that are very different.

First is the obvious one that does not even try to hide it, this kind comes on the server gets to the top of the lighthouse with a PKM and then just holds left click. This is the easier one to deal with and if it happens i first contact a SA or HA to come on the server and anti cheat them however they are not always in time as the hacker often leaves straight after. They normally leave after they are punished for RDM or mass RDM depending on the situation, while its true that the punishment may make them leave before they can be punished for hacking you should never not punish in the hopes that they stay as this will only cause more harm to other users. Luckily these kinds of hackers usually get a ban for mass RDM+LTAP anyway.

The second is a lot harder for admins to deal with as even though if we are to look at them and suspect they are hacking we cannot prove it. These smart hackers make sure they do not rule break so they will not be banned for any other punishment. The only thing as an admin in that situation i can do is contact an SA and hope it shows up on the anti cheat.

If i was an SA this would not be an issue as i could handle the issue on the spot instead of having to wait only for the person to leave.

Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:
Assuming that the report has been made correctly and followed the template. First i would announce that i am handling the report to ensure that the report does not end up with two different verdicts being posted, which could cause confusion and would not be good. Then i would read through it thoroughly before trying to contact the victim as soon as possible to hear their side of the story so i could make sure i had all the relevant information from them. After i would talk to the reported staff member to get their side of the story. When making my conclusion i would always keep in mind innocent until proven guilty, if the user has not provided enough evidence or the member of staff presents some information that counters that evidence then i would deny the report. After reaching my verdict i would respond with one of the following

If accepted:
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If denied:
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Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?
If i were to notice a staff member ban someone for an excessive amount of time i would start by asking them why they banned the user, either in admin chat or by pming them. After checking the banned users F6 i would ask why the user was banned for so long, as it could be that the staff member dislikes the user or that the they were just unaware that this ban was excessive, At this point i would request the staff come on team speak or contact them via steam messages so i could fully explain to them why the ban was excessive and how to ban people in the future, most likely done by linking them to johnler's handy guide and making sure they are fully aware of appropriate reasons to ban(e.g how many recent punishments are ban worthy). I would also ensure that they are taking into account how long ago a user was banned for if they were banned in the past, as bans older than 6 months should not be looked at. If the ban is very excessive i would shorten it and inform the user that it has been shortened, if it is only a little excessive i would just strongly advise that the staff member should shorten it.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?
If the staff member was treating the user in a rude or disrespectful way i would talk to them(most likely in admin chat) and inform them that as a staff member you are supposed to set a good example. I would then link them to the staff ethos and explain to them that when dealing with even the most disrespectful users that they should under no circumstances start being disrespectful back and that they should always remain calm. If the staff member is being very disrespectful to a user i would ask them to apologize to the user and if they did not i would apologize to the user myself, as no user should have to deal with disrespect from staff.

If the staff member is just struggling to deal with a report, maybe because they are new or its just a difficult situation i would of course help them. It is not the best to completely take over the report as then the staff member will not learn anything and should the situation arise again will not be able to deal with it. Instead i would join the chat so i could see everything that is being said and give the staff member tips in admin chat on how they could be dealing with it, ultimately leaving the verdict for them to decide.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?
Once again this would be handled as innocent until proven guilty. I would handle this similarly to a report abuse because they are very similar. I would first contact the accuser, either on team speak or by steam messages and ask for their side of the story. After hearing them out i would ask if they have evidence to back up there claims, regardless of their answer i would then go to the accused and ask their side. If they admit that they are in the wrong(or there is overwhelming evidence that they are) then i would talk to them about it to ensure a similar incident does not happen in the future, however if no evidence was provided and they denied breaking any rules then i would not take any action.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?
Firstly i would ask everyone involved with the argument to calm down, then i would ask the staff member who started the argument to come on team speak so i could talk with them. I would calmly ask them why they said/did what they did and if there is a ongoing problem between them and the staff member they disrespected. After explaining to them that it is not good for a team to not be working together i would make sure they are calm before bringing over the other staff member who is involved. From there i would let the two talk the problem out, making sure that they remain calm at all times and do not start being disrespectful again. If the two can not come to a reasonable compromise i will give my opinion on the situation in order to once and for all end the argument. Once everything is cleared up i would give all those involved a polite reminder to remain respectful towards fellow staff in the future.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?
The most important thing would be to make sure the staff member stops as soon as possible before more users are affected, after the incident is over i would apologize to all who were affect by the staff member and reassuring them that the staff member will be spoken to about this. After getting the staff member on team speak i would firmly tell them what they did wrong and make it clear to them that it is not to happen again, depending on their response and the situation i would possibly bring them up in the lead team meeting. If the situation is extremely bad(e.g a staff member is mass abusing) i would ask a head admin to come on as soon as possible to deal with the staff member.
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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1017326

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Plus Ultra!

EX TTT Super Administrator x3

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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1017333

Did that look like the Sever Applications section to you sir?
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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1017335

You always are the best at what you do, I can always rely on you to help me out with whatever I'm struggling with. you are a fair and considerate person and I respect you for that, you've showed me that you can be really strong, even in the worste of times.

Thank you.
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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1017338

TheXnator wrote:
Did that look like the Sever Applications section to you sir?
It looked close enough
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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1017339

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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1017506

Good luck once again Miia!
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Zarp Slave
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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1017522

proof or slander
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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1017549


Not dedicated enough.

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⚕ former TTT Server Owner ⚕
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Add me on Steam!

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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1017570

:plussp: Great Guy / Girl / Neutral / Binary / Genderless Object / Male object / Female Object
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"Audaces fortuna iuvat" - Fortune favors the brave.

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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1017986

Very supportive staff, great at resolving issues and you have a very mature method of things.

-Good luck!

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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1018021

So you resigned... re-applied for admin and then apply for SA? Well I believe you should wait if you just resigned then come back put of no where and apply again.
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Last Edit: 6 years 5 months ago by OnionRings.
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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1018026

OnionRings wrote:
So you resigned... re-applied for admin and then apply for SA? Well I believe you should wait if you just resigned then come back put of no where and apply again.
I resigned and re-applied for admin 3 months and 1 week ago so i have waited that long before re-applying for super admin. I did have a recent resignation which was revoked however as stated before this is not much of a dedication issue, my reason for resigning was due to a blatantly over-powered and annoying item not being addressed for weeks, leading me to resign in an attempt to actually get them to look into it. As soon as it was actually being addressed i revoked.
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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1018035

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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1018080


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[TTT Super Adminstrator] Miia's App 6 years 5 months ago #1018334

Still have the TS logs from back when you trained me for Mod :P
Hope to see you again with your much earned rank again, best of luck!
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