Steam Name:
Time Zone:
Link to Steam Profile:
My Steam
What server are you applying for?
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1
Estimated Server Time:
~1000 minutes
Languages I speak:
Dutch and English
Someone new joins the server, explain how you would show them how to Surf for the first time:
I would firstly tell them to press F3 and go into Unreal mode or Low Gravity mode. I would tell them that I personally find those the easiest, though it doesn't help much if you're really bad.
After that I would tell them the simple principle of Surf: you glide on a pannel of some sort by pressing A or D on the right or left side respectively and using your mouse to move on the pannel. The key to good Surfing is speed and accuracy and finding the balance between the two.
Lastly I'd tell them to join Teamspeak so that I could give them extra guidance if need be.
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming:
I'd firstly verbally warn them to stop. If they continue or if they use an extremely irritating noise I will gag or mute them. If they continue I'd gag/mute them for longer, and if they try to evade the punishment I'd get an admin to ban them.
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server:
I'd firstly warn them immediately. If they do it again I'd warn them again. If they continue still I'd kick them. And if they continue even after that I'd get an admin to ban them.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words):
Well, I'm a nice guy, active, honest and trusted with powers on other servers. Although I've never completed a Surf map (I know, scandalous if you consider that I have put quite a lot of hours into it) I greatly enjoy Surf and find it as a nice time consumer laste at night when by brain goes 'flumph'.