Morgan wrote:
Hello Kapi, as an administrator you do your job well. You're obviously putting in a lot of effort to this application, you're active, and friendly. What I'd advise you work on now and in the future is your attendance in meetings, with appeals, and reports here on the forums. Openly stating and voicing your opinion on subjects in meetings is important in my opinion as it shows you can be active in the meetings, voice an opinion and argue for it, and stick to your guns. Keep working on this as well as try to move around a bit and talk more on teamspeak, and i'm sure you'll have a greater chance in the future. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for the feedback, meeting attendance is something which was brought down by my inactivity, I did attend the last meeting and I will continue to do so. In the past I always voiced my opinion thoroughly and I will carry on doing so, as stated in my application.