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TOPIC: [SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson

[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538631

Steam Name: Exmortalis

Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time

Link to Steam Profile: My Steam Profile

What server are you applying for? Semi-Serious RP.

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:45068417

Current Gametracker Profiles:
Watson's Server One GameTracker
Watson's Server Two GameTracker
Watson's Server Three GameTracker
(Inb4 Sally fixes them - they're fine. Lol)
Estimated Server Time:
71620+20655+16802=1817.95 hours.
Languages I speak:
How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:

I'm an administrator with a passion for learning, being there for others, and protecting the servers as best I can manage. I won't lie to you - my knowledge has been spotty in areas, but being an administrator has helped me learn the rules in ways I had never even thought about before.

I've been admin for almost two months now and I mostly focus on just doing F1's, refunding people if need be, and doing events here and there. Case in point:

Watson's Interactive Story

Musical Votes

Treasure Hunt

And a few more.

My time as admin has shown me that people are capable of doing really crappy things, but also pretty nice things on the server. I think people are a bit quick to be vengeful and vindictive, but you know, we do what we can when we can to help.

I'm not overly active on the forums, but I would like it also on record that people who are banned on occasion come to me on Steam to talk to me about how to improve as a person and be accepted back into the community. This has really made me feel like an important part of the community and the staff.

I've helped new staff and people who want to be staff, and I've relished the opportunity. And if I don't know something, you best believe I'll do my best to research it.

What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team? ( in this part you can go as detailed as you want):

I'm someone who knows how to get things done, and I will get them done in ways people don't expect. I will go above and beyond the call of duty to help someone, including once adding a user on Snapchat just so I could help them while they were off their Steam; purposely "dumbing down" my typing so as to appease someone who literally would not talk to me unless I did so; and going on "stakeouts" when a player is being especially sneaky about rulebreaking and has managed to elude any kind of evidence against them. These are just a few of the things I do to make sure I can get people sorted in the way they want to be sorted - and get things done in the right way.

I don't feign interest in people's problems - I care when someone has an issue. I offer free "starter packs" to players who have just started on ZARP, and usually these will encompass anything from money, to mining tools, to weapons, to even loaning them my printer.
As mentioned earlier, I refund people when they've lost something - as it comes out of my own pocket, I'm not always able to do so, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone go knowing they've lost something valuable and there's nothing we can do.

You can see from my GameTrackers that I play a LOT. I try to come on at least once a day to help out, or just to roam around and do my thing. If I see a problem, I will try and fix it. There was an issue the other day in Server 3 when I was the only staff member on for about 2 or 3 hours late at night. This was excruciatingly difficult to manage, I won't lie. I was belittled by a couple of players - but a number of other players were very happy for the support. I try to stay on the servers as much as I can.

While I don't pass judgement on those who scam - I never personally do it. I will go out of my way to middleman any transactions, a lot of people rely on me for up-to-date prices and item information, and I never let people go without doing my absolute best to help them. I've never received any official warnings as a staff member, and in the three and a half years I've been on ZARP, I've only ever received six punishments in total, only one of which was anything more than a warn - and even that was overturned and deemed too harsh.

Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:

Aside from the occasional hackers, I actually have run into a couple of players who have asked about issues regarding payment for booster packs/VIP, etc. The other day, I helped a player by getting in contact with a lead team member about alternate methods of payment for the BPs/VIP, and while the obviously no, I offered to help the player by showing them alternatives to buying the BPs/VIP.

I also had an incident where I had to deal with a moderator who was - at the time - very new and very inexperienced, this moderator had been struggling with an F1 and had been accused of abuse of power, and I just talked to them about it and remedied the situation by allowing everyone to have their say and offering a fair compromise to the original parties damaged by each other's actions.

Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:

Assuming the appropriate template was followed and I got to hear the player's side of the story, I would first respond with:
"I'll handle this. I shall speak with So-and-So myself."

If the accusations were correct and the person in question had a history of committing such acts of abuse - I'd let the staff member in question know that they would be spoken about in the meeting and that I would be monitoring them every so often to ensure nothing of the sort happens again. I'd also respond to the forum post in the meantime with:
"Will be spoken about in the lead team meeting after speaking with the staff member in question. Thank you for your report, we will sort this out appropriately and we do apologise for your unfortunate experience. :Accepted:"

If the staff member in question was not in any trouble as the user was simply being vindictive over a just and right punishment, then I would respond with:
Unfortunately, this report does not meet the criteria of actual abuse, and as we have not found any evidence, we are forced to deny this report. :Denied:

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?

There is a delicate balance between leniency and harshness. As such, if a staff member bans a user for longer than is necessary for the problem caused - I would hear them out and make sure they know that there are certain periods of time that would be more reasonable in terms of a ban. I would also let them know that there are obvious reasons we do not ban for excessive amounts of time, and refer them to the ethos.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?

It's very easy to manage this situation; often times you'll find it's just because a moderator has decided to bring more than two people into a sit and it just causes a huge fight because it's very "he said/she said". That's just one example, but it's a pretty common one. It's as simple as teleporting to the staff member, helping them deal with the problem in a wise and calm manner, and then talking them through it afterwards so they know how to better approach the situation or any other one for that matter.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?

Staff issues tend to be a little bit more serious only in the sense that they can cause a divide which can be difficult to fix.

If this is the case and a staff member feels another isn't doing their job, or breaking the rules, it's just a matter of approaching both parties, getting a few words in and hearing them both out, and then letting them - if they're calm enough - hash it out with another and giving some choice words to both parties to let them know that they're in a team and they just need to try and cooperate. If there is actually a problem with rulebreaking among the staff, then it's a matter of talking it through with the staff member and letting them know that what they did was wrong.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?

Some staff members are more lively than others, and on occasion, this will cause issues! It's the fine art of dealing with so many different personalities in one setting. If there is an issue with a staff member causing a fuss with another - it's just a matter of approaching the staff member, talking it through with them and letting them know that there are certain things we just don't say to each other. Let them know about people's sensitivities and let them know that we're all part of the same team and we need to act that way. If they're causing a problem within the team that's causing a bigger squabble, just talk it through with everyone and let them all know that they need to just calm down, take a few minutes if they need to, and let it go. If they can't, then they might need to consider their position and how they're supposed to perform it if they can't remain calm.

Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?

If I see a staff member breaking rules and ruining the RP experience for other users, I'm gonna have to step in and just have a word, make sure they know what they did was wrong, and if they're still not fixing up their issues after I've had a word, that's when I decide to bring it to the lead team and make sure that they know this staff member is causing problems, and as such, might need a bit of a disciplinary response.

Thanks for reading all this, guys. I'm not betting on getting this role, I was asked by other staff members to apply and see how I go. Maybe it'll be a good learning experience for me. Happy Easter, and good luck to all other applicants!
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538634

Didn't even post it in the right section, an obvious :minussp: from me!
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Legendary Spectacular Border
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538635

Whoops! I knew I misplaced something. Haha. Sorry.
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538637

:plussp: Yes pls!
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538639

Throwback to our little GPP adventure <3 :P DW, secret's safe.
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538640

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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538646

Morgan wrote:
Didn't even post it in the right section, an obvious :minussp: from me!
Don't be like that Morgan, You used to always put shit in the wrong section and we didn't call you out for it did we?, Now back on topic.

Watson, You're such a nice and friendly lad that I think deserves this position out of everyone who is applied, You're constantly active on SSRP and I do see every prospect of what we're looking for inside of you, Just try to be on Teamspeak more so we can interact with you and stuff! Other than that, Best canidate, Best person for the job so a absolute :plussp:
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538658

An amazing guy..
Very friendly, always helping new players get started.
A truly great guy! :D
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538659

Jordz wrote:
Morgan wrote:
Didn't even post it in the right section, an obvious :minussp: from me!
Don't be like that Morgan, You used to always put shit in the wrong section and we didn't call you out for it did we?, Now back on topic.

Sorry if your sarcasm detector broke there..

To clarify It was a joke
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Legendary Spectacular Border
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538662

I see you on Server 3 all the time and it would be nice to have someone with your patience and respect as a SA.
Best of luck Watson.
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SSRP Moderator (Resigned 2x)
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538686

MASSIVE :plussp:

When I started playing and was mining, I got RDM'd a lot. Everytime it was Father Watson replying to my F1, he would act with justice and in the end he always gave me a Diamond Pickaxe out of his own pocket. At the moment, I've more pickaxes than inventory space, but when I started playing it was my best item and he gave me 3 or 4 which helped me massively because I could keep mining.
Everytime I get him on my F1's, it's a complete sense of relief, he's very fair and helpful.

Really hope you make it man!
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538695

he's honest, has manners, and knows his way around being staff.
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538723

Watson, we don't really chat much but when we do you're friendly and you portray this on the server not just to staff but the players too you are also helpful when needed.
Also that door charge is coming back your way!
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Brother Gustro: sally is a minge
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538724

Deserves this
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538819

I'd like to thank you all for your wonderful feedback. I must say, I didn't expect this positivity. :) Any more feedback anyone has would be really appreciated.
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538829

:plussp: Why Father is not SA yet?
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(OOC) Sam Townsend: HellForce more like ScamForce !
troublemaker: im rich enough to fuck mia khalifa
troublemaker: 5 times
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538848

Sorry if your sarcasm detector broke there..

To clarify It was a joke

It's a shitty joke considering the time he put in the app. Guess your common sense detector broke there, sorry.

Anyways really mature and a long term player in the community

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ex-minecraft owner, zarp legend (Was there during the infancy of Zarp), ex-ssrp admin, ex-teamspeak emblem (For SSRP admin & minecraft owner)

Last Edit: 7 years 1 month ago by catboy sven ツ. Reason: I didn't sleep....
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538852

Morgan wrote:
Jordz wrote:
Morgan wrote:
Didn't even post it in the right section, an obvious :minussp: from me!
Don't be like that Morgan, You used to always put shit in the wrong section and we didn't call you out for it did we?, Now back on topic.

Sorry if your sarcasm detector broke there..

To clarify It was a joke

Stop joking it's a serious offense.

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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538876

no one is more mature than this guy
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[SSRP Super Admin Application] Father Watson 7 years 1 month ago #538879

One of the most mature staff members on the team

HUGE :support: From me!
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Ex Deathrun Head Admin

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