Information about me:
RP Name: Orang3
Time Zone: GMT
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99947585
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 - N/A (Won't show up for me...)
Server 3 -
Estimated Server Time: 280 to 290 hours worth (Week & a half or so)
Languages I speak: English, Spanish
DarkRp Related:
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match also known as RDM is if a player shoots another player without a valid RP reason, then it would be classed as Random Death Match. E.g. Player X walks across to a nearby gun store and buys 1 shipment of weapons. Player X then decides to change jobs to a Thief, pull a gun out & looks for bases to raid. Player X couldn't find a raidable base so he then goes back to spawn to look for people to mug. After looking around player X gets fed up & kills an AFK person (Player Y) without saying in chat or using their mic stating that it's a mug. This would be considered as RDM!
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
New Life Rule also known as NLR is where a player is killed and cannot go back to the same district for the chosen time that the Owner sets. (You may go AFK in the spawn district, but if you do start to roleplay then it would be classed as breaking NLR). The rule stops players from going back to the same place so people that were raiding can complete their job. If the player disobeys the rule NLR by going back then it would be classed as Breaking NLR! E.g. Player X decides that he/she wants to raid player Y's base. Player X then proceeds to make his/her way to the chosen district where the base is (Rich District). Player X begins to start the raid but as he/she is lockpicking he gets killed by player Y from behind. Because player X thinks player Y is hacking, he/she goes back and blows up the base within the same district. This would count as breaking NLR! (Player X must not return to the base until the NLR timer is up.)
Explain "Metagaming" and give an example scenario:
Metagaming Is when a player uses roleplay in a non-roleplay situation, usually via OOC or /advert. E.g. Player X raids player Y & decides to take it a step further by stealing player Y's printers/drugs. Player Y then types in OOC or /advert & says "Stop stealing my printers/drugs, ADMIN TO ME!". Player Y should have just stayed calm but if he was hacking then they should have used F1 or made a ban/warn request on the forums!
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him/her, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
I would firstly teleport to player X that made the F1 & ask them if it's ok to bring them to a roof. I would then check with player Y & ask them the same thing. After I would begin the sit by asking for any proof off of both of the users depending what type of rule was broken. If player X provided proof using video footage & was just a simple rdm without any disrespect or if it was an accident then I would issue player Y with a verbal warning. But if player Y did intentionally rdm then I would issue a warning (/warn <STEAMID> Not their name <REASON>). But if none of the players had proof of the RDM then I would have to return both players and tell them make to try and give me valid proof next time.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
Firstly, I would teleport to player X & that made the F1 & ask them if it's ok to bring them to a roof. I would then do the same with player Y. After, I would start the sit by asking both players for any proof. If player X or player Y gave me video proof that showed that they did NLR then I would issue a warning. If no one had proof then I would check the logs for the time of the kill & where it happened (District). If the logs showed that they were in the same district & were killed there then I would issue them a verbal warning. If they did it twice then I would then warn then player.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x calls for help in the OOC chat because his/her bank is being raided
I would explain to player X not to use OOC & to make an F1 if he/she was asking for a staff member. I would then teleport to player X & tell everyone to stop raiding his bank by waiting as it would count as being in a sit (Non-rp). After, I would check what jobs are raiding him/her. If any sort of cop/swat were raiding him I would tell them that they could not raid banks as they are legal. I would give them a verbal warning not to do it again, but if they did it again then I would issue them with a warning. If it was a raiding job like a thief or gangster then I would let them proceed to carry on raiding & stop the sit.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 150 words):
I think that I should be chosen because I am honest, I am on everyday for atleast 6 hours a day or more whatever the weather, I love to help people out & more! I honestly think that I would help the server out a lot as I do come on very late & early in the mornings (When I don't have school). I also love to help out people that really need it. Whenever I come on I always want to make people feel happier & enhance their time on the server! I have met a lot of the staff members and have become their friend so I think I would work well with them whilst doing F1's & helping people out with other things. Some of the better reasons why I should be staff is that I am an f1aholic as within 4 days on 1 server I completed over 300 F1's (During the weekend & school days). I also go on the forums a lot so if anyone needs help or has any questions then I would be happy to answer them all! If I was chosen then I really would show you what I am made of!
Thank you for reading my application!
- James (Orang3)