xDutchCat wrote:
I don't know man, you're honestly very friendly but also very switchy what i have experience. You tend to break rules and noone actually can't play without having a rule broken. I get that, however in my opinion I think you need to build up more trust with the LT's, CM and CO due the last time you received that Official Warning as a Moderator
Also, there is no need on going off on Kuba's opinion. Leave that kid a break. He may be an idiot in your eyes. But he always asks for tips on how to improve himself.
why would someone applying for the lowest rank need to gain CO or even CM trust, i can get the LT but what makes you think he should gain trust with people they may not even touch SSRP? Everyone makes mistakes no? So having an official warning in your past staffing doesn't make you any less of a good staff member, take myself for example I've been demoted twice yet the LT still thought I was ready for mod even after getting un CM banned, he does not need to regain any trust and with the hacking thing that happened on TTT he is trying his hardest to show he is innocent which little to no one cares about, he has even shown proof that he isn't cheating.
Also Kuba's "Opinion" is just retarded he doesn't know anything about this community let alone the server he staffs on, he has no common sense and no server logic at all, even if he's "asking for tips" he's clearly not learning or doing anything to improve himself from them, he can also have his opinion on Kuba so I don't think you should feel the need to tell him what he can and cannot say on someone. Kuba needs to improve himself before even making remarks on people who have actually done a really good job at staffing in the past.