Steam Name:
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Estimated Server Time:
1415 minutes
Languages I speak:
Someone new joins the server, explain how you would show them how to B-hop:
Firstly, I would distinguish their level of knowledge when it comes to bhop e.g. (beginner, advanced, pro) and from that give them suitable advice. I'm not the best at bhopping myself, so my advice would be more suited for beginners and maybe some advanced players. I would explain to beginner players the basic fundamentals of strafing, being that when you leave spawn you should let go of W and continue only using A, D and your mouse , as well as only using A when strafing to the left and only using D when strafing towards the right respectively, if they still don't understand the fundamentals of strafing, I would ask them to spectate me using the F2 key and try to introduce them to it in a more visual sense, if that still doesn't work I would refer them to a helpful video that introduces bhop, such as a Launders video. Given they understand the fundamentals I would introduce them to a more fun side of bhop like the modes and how some of them work via the F3 key, as well as the F4 menu and nominating maps.
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming:
I would ask the individual to stop spamming, if the individual doesn't comply and has clearly recognised my attempts to stop him from spamming, I utilise the mute/gag command, respectively.
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server:
As exploiting can be varied in a case by case basis, I would firstly let the individual know that they're exploiting, given that people can use exploits without even knowing sometimes, if the individual continues to exploit after being told not to do so, I would then warn them and tell them again not to continue doing so unless they want to be punished further.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words):
Throughout my time on Zarp I have had a copious amount of experience with staffing, whether that be on the Forums, SSRP, Prophunt etc. I believe this shows that I am competent enough to utilise the commands and situations that I will be given with the moderator role.
Alongside my experience comes trust, I have held multiple roles in the community and currently hold general discussion moderator, which I believe clearly displays that I am trusted enough when I'm given roles in the community, even though throughout my time on Zarp some may have questioned my trust as I was in a lot of drama and such, but I never once used my powers in a malicious intent, or abused in anyway, as well as never receiving an warning/demotion.
I believe I have a fairly friendly and welcoming attitude to players on Zarp, which can be very beneficial to keep people on the server, especially new players. As they will be more likely to come onto the server again, given that they're treated well and could potentially make friends on the server.