joshuaharry wrote:
Devas wrote:
joshuaharry wrote:
Thanks for ur feedback, i don't understand where your comming from on this.
If your breaking a rule, and u've got recents for breaking that rules you may be punished,
You were 2 seconds away from muting me for playing a sound when im not radio manager...
So instead of trying so hard, try letting people have fun
If you were playing music on ur mic when ur, not a radio manager, I would have asked you to stop or swap jobs...
Please stop trying to pull my application down by writing things that are not true.
call me a liar?
cool shit burrito.
Me playing a sound should not have been a problem to you what so ever.
If it was a full song(which it was not) I would understand but then if no one cares it shouldn't matter to you either.
enforcing rules should not take a way fun when the thing causing fun is nor causing someone else to not have fun
what im saying isnt false but comments on the app dont matter anyway so stop crying