Hey Niko its... yeah, okay I cannot be bothered to write that all again. I'll be reviewing things from my perspective and see about what your positives and negatives are, below I'll include a table with a column for each, and I'll see about granting you a final verdict at the end. Hopefully, it'll help with granting you an insight on what to improve on, so without further delays...
High Post Count You have about 100 posts in this month as of writing this, this is a relatively high post count and definitely would do good for you to keep up. Make sure that you keep being active in all sections for which you are applying and you'll be grand. | Attitude Well... I'm not quite certain about this one myself, but people do claim that your attitude was pretty bad in the past. I have not personally observed this so I will not take it into account too much when it comes to the final verdict, however, it is something that you'll have to improve on in case it really is as bad as people are saying. |
Forum Staff You are already a forum staff member in at least one section, this grants you experience with the guidelines and would serve to assist you in your future endeavours on getting more sections under your belt. This is quite a good thing as long as there are no obvious cases of abuse of power. | |
Section Activity With a quick glance over the sections for which you are applying you appear to be perfectly active in each of those sections. That's a good point and something you should seek to keep up. | |
Section Staff You are currently a staff member in at least one of the sections for which you are applying. This will serve well in you obtaining the rank as it means you have a good incentive to keep track of that section. Ensure you do not get demoted and you should be okay. | |
Staff You are currently a staff member on one of the servers which means that having Appeals as a part of your repertoire of sections to govern is a good choice. The two usually go hand in hand and you can handle appeals then directly lock them when you are done. | |
Overall I feel that you may be one of the better candidates suited for the SSRP and Appeals sections. I granted you one negative above which you might need to keep a track of and hopefully you'll do so, again I am not sure exactly how big of a negative it is based on the fact I've barely ever seen you in-game thus never have properly seen your attitude, however, I wish you the best of luck regardless.
Had we had a vote we'd have voted
Yes on both sections. So you'd have our support.