I do not believe Callum would make a good admin. He is still flippant on the rules and needs time to learn them more. Such as the golden block one he only learnt about 1 day ago.
Furthermore, i have lots of evidence of him RDMing me and other players which has already been given to staff. When confronting him about a lot of the proof i have he has lied about it and said its just my word against his (even though he has admitted to having a recording) when asking questions about it when he is only staff on he just doesn't reply. I have had a few issues with Callum in because of this and its lead me to the conclusion that he is the MOST dishonest staff member Ive met on a TTT server.
moreover, He consistently damages or kills his friends that he knows wont report him at the start of the rounds. Even in the time i have been writing this he has shot fin (both inno) at the start of the round and blew me up with c4 because he guessed the wrong wire. He knows getting the wrong wire will kill all those in the immediate area and likely hood of getting the wire right is very unlikely, after reporting him he says this.
. I get that it might not be in the rules but you're staff and know what you are doing. No staff member trying to maintain the server to stop the rdm and rule breaking would very consistently do this nor should be doing it as it sets an example to other players that if staff do it, regs and recruits can do it too.
I come on this server quite a bit and for those of you who know me will know i like to stick to rules, don't RDM and try to help people when possible that are new. When it comes to Callum however, i think that he doesn't take his role serious enough and abuses his staff position often.
finally, i hear multiple comments everyday from other players when Callum is on that he abuses. He gets called out for it all the time and i haven't heard of any of the other staff get reports of it like Callum does. In the past couple hours i have heard multiple people say this and vie never heard of anyone else who is staff get abuse reports like Callum does. I really think his position needs to be either removed if he doesn't consistently do well or given some kind of talking too to ensure he stops breaking rules, setting the right example