Now with my last comment being said;
I Don't hate you,
I think you've the potential to grow up to become a fine admin, but for now? I've only seen the annoying side of you. you do remind me alot of myself all those years ago, Annoying, Inconsiderate, borderline passive agressive with every comment you make, BUT, means well.
My best advice?
-Be considerate towards other players, they are playing too, and they don't want to have to stop talking because you keep butting in and talking over them, every damned time they try to make a comment, ( and yes, this actually happened to me, and Stormtrooper for a good 5-10 minutes, we took to chatting in text chat. )
- Get some ACTUAL activity on the server, Admins say; Get 2 weeks, be active for 2 weeks, I disagree, I think you're young, I think you have alot more to prove to the admins then those older then you, and I think a month of dedicated gameplay would do, and i'm not on about be online EVERY day, but show us, how often you'll be over online to moderate the server, over the course of the month. Two weeks of 'consistant' activity doesn't mean be online every day, for x amount of time, to total x amount of hours, It means space your timings out, And again, show us what your activity will be like when you're mod, and Don't lie to the admins in this case, just don't do it.
- Be Patient, truly, you removed your last application, and posted one pretty much as soon after.
- When someone asks you to be quiet for a moment, don't snap at them..
-Especially, ESPECIALLY don't bring up someone whom was being toxic, try harding the game, and actually insulting other players as your defence, just.. don't do that.
- prove you're knowledgeable of the game, someone asks a question? answer it, people bring beef to text? help them find a conclusion that fits them both, and inform them, You would not KNOW how many times i've sat in an admin chat screen explaining to new players how to actually play the god damned game.