RP Name: Qerd
Time Zone: GMT
Link to Steam Profile:My steam
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1:
Server 2:
Server 3:
Estimated Server Time: 27536 Minutes = 458 Hours
Languages I speak: English and Norwegian
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:Random death match or the short term "RDM" is when play X kills player Y without a vailid rp reason.
Example of not Random Death Match, When Someone kills a Person in your gang then you have a reason to kill the guy who killed your gang member.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:New Life rule or the short term "NLR" is when a play dies in a district and then comes back and starts interacting with props and starts roleplaying without waiting the timerout
New Life Rules Example: When someone dies while raiding and they go back to raiding after dying.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
After going to player x i would take player x to a roof and then if player x didnt know the guy who killed him i would check logs and check who killed player x and i would see player Y that killed him i would go to player Y and see if hes in
a RP situation and he was not in a RP situation i would go back to player X and then bring player Y and i would listen to player X's story and then after i listend to player X's story i would ask for player Y for his story and i would listen to his story
then i would check player Y's rapsheet and check if he has any recent warns for RDM (Random death Match) then i would ask for any video evidence if they had no proof and the storys was diffrent i would end the sit and i would watch play Y while, If player X
had proof i would check the proof and its enough proof to warn player Y i would warn player Y for RDM.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
I would do the same as above i would go to player X and take them to a roof and then check logs and see who is breaking NLR then i would tp to player Y and see if they are in a RP situation if not i would tp back to player X and then bring player Y to the roof
and then i would listen to both sides of the story then i would check player Y's rapsheet and check if he has any recent warnings for NLR i would tell him not to break NLR again and explain what NLR is so they dont break it again i would player Y for NLR
then i would return player Y and then i would return player X and end the sit.
Why I should be chosen(we recommend around 150 words):
I think i should be chosen as staff as im very active on SSRP servers im always on the servers and sometimes when im on the servers i dont always see staff on or they are afk mining when there is rules breakers mass rdming or mass Rda'ing going on and i think i could help with that when
there is no staff on the server, I would do F1's before thinking about RP'ing on the server as i would like to help out everyone i can, i always make f1's to report rule breakers i can also put alot of effort of being staff as i dont have school and i can be on the server alot and help out people who are dealing with rulebreakers when there is no staff on ,
i think over the past few weeks ive proven im mature enough to join the staff team and help others