I have no doubt you were a good staff member previously, but I think in order to have a higher chance of getting accepted, you should elaborate on the "Why I Should Be Accepted" section of your application. Since that's usually what we focus the most on, and it looks quite rushed. We recommend around 150 words and you have nowhere near that.
I have met you in-game and you were very enthusiastic about applying. You seem like you would do a great job as an administrator considering your awesome behavior and great attitude. You have a good understanding of the rules, and I think we could use a previously-experienced staff member like you.
In conclusion, you would be a great addition to the team in my opinion. I don't see any other reason to deny you other than your thread looking a bit rushed. However, that's easy to fix and shouldn't be a problem as long as you take your time to write a more detailed reason on why we should accept you, and perhaps elaborate on some of the other sections on your application as well. Regardless I will probably vote in your favour as long as something doesn't come up.
I like you. Therefore,
Edit: Your activity might be a problem, though. I forgot to mention that. I'm sure you will continue to be consistently active, but I would recommend at least two weeks of consistent activity before applying. I won't retract my support, but I can't speak for everyone.