First off, I'd like feedback.
I'm a stubborn person who knows what he wants and stays dedicated until I get it.
Steam Name: Kurze
Time Zone:GMT +1
Link to Steam Profile:
What server are you applying for?
Applying for the TTT server(s)
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:19396368
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time:
Poah about 140 hours+
Languages I speak: English and Dutch
How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:
My time as administrator has helped out our community by being in game helping users and other staff members with questions and handling reports. Not only this but also handling reports in the forums and helping out other staff with questions they have.
What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team? ( in this part you can go as detailed as you want):
I'm a very active staff member, I'm always friendly even when times are rough and i'm getting hassled, I know how to handle reports and I know how to deal with people that try to bend the rules. I'm a mature guy when it comes to staffing, I dont like to leave my work half finished and I feel like i'm a role model for many new moderators/admins because how I am and how I handle myself around the server and on Teamspeak.
Well I dont have to say much about this, I'm very active. I like playing on the server and I like seeing our community grow, I haven't been staff that long yet, but I think I can become a great Super Admin for this community. I handle alot of reports and help people in the server when ever I can
I've given my feedback on applications about members, I have my own opinion when it comes to applications and appeals. I don't pick sides I just look at the facts and my own experience with that applicant.
Links to appeals that I've handeld:
When i'm on the TTT server I am online on TeamSpeak to be contacted about anything related to TTT.
In meetings I voice myself as best as I can to make sure I also have a say into the matter, I make sure I dont get swayed into another persons vote and speak up when needed.
Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:
Two options:
If a lead team member cant be contacted I will ask my fellow Administrators (a more experienced one) about the situation.
The reason behind this is because two voices are always better than one when you are in a tough spot.
I would analize the obstacle and read our rules/ how to handle certain situation to be sure i'll be handling in the right way.
Up on handling the situatIon as followed by our rules how to treat this situation I'd handle it, when a LT member comes online i'd ask them if I handeld correctly and what I could have done better.
Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:
I would have a conversation with both the person who reported the staff member and the accused staff member.
After hearing both stories I would check for in game evidence of abuse.
When these 3 factors have been investigated i would make a decision of what my view is of the situation.
Based on my decision I would reply with the following :
Hello Player, first of all thankyou for making time to make an appeal,
After having conversations with both you and the accused staff member the following points came to my attention:
The evidence surggests he did not abuse his powers against you.
Staff member bob made clear why you were punished.
I have spoken to bob and informed what he did was wrong but do not think any further action is necessary
We thankyou for making time to appeal and courage you to do so when needed.

Hello Player, first of all thankyou for making time to make an appeal,
After having conversations with both you and the accused staff member the following points came to my attention:
The evidence shows that staff member bob abused his powers,
bob also admitted he shouldn't of done this,
bob will be brought up in the LT meeting for this
We thankyou for making time to appeal and courage you to do so when needed.
When I think I can't deside on my own i would reach out to my fellow Lead Staff members and ask for their opinion.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?
I would ask the staff member to come to Teamspeak so we could talk about this ban,
Ask why he he banned him for the amount of time that he gave, i'd tell him about the regular times for a certain ban and ask him if the ban he gave was fair? Would he do this again? Or would he give less time for another person for the same ban.
After the staff member owning up to him making a mistake we would shorten the ban for the appropriate time that is needed for such a ban.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?
I would ask the fellow staff member to come to Teamspeak so I could help him handle the situation, I'd make sure that i'm not telling him off but stearing him into the right direction of the solution with the user he's struggling with.
When the staff member is done handling the situation I'd give him some tips and tell him how I would handle it.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?
I would ask both staff members to come and talk to me and tell me the situation and provide evidence to this claim,
After talking to the staff members.
If the claim is supported by evidence I would give a warning to the accused staff member and make sure the accused staff member knows why he got warned so it can't happen in the future
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?
I'd ask the staff member to come talk to me in Teamspeak, I feel like these things should be done vocally.
I'd ask: What happend ? After hearing his side of the story i'd improvise to reply to what he said, if he started the argument i'd tell him to calm down and its not a problem, these things happen and it can be worked out.
i'd tell him what he did wrong and how he could act in the future if something happens.
Then I would ask the other staff member who was involved in the arguement to come talk to me in teamspeak,
I would ask what happend? after he explains the situation i'd tell him what the other staffs point of view was on the topic and try to find a way to resolve the issue together.
After them both calming down I would get the staff members together and tell them my point of view of the argument and sum it up, i'd ask if anything needs to be said whilest im present to resolve this matter and get on with our tasks when its been dealt with.
IF one off the staff members don't want to resolve the issue i'd bring it up in the LT meeting and ask what we should do with staff member Bob
After the LT meeting I would tell bob what we decided in the LT about the situation regarding the argument.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?
I would ask the staff member bob to come to teamspeak and ask him about the things he has been doing, if he doesn't mention the rule breaking i'd bring it up myself.
If he lies about it i'd show im evidence of it and ask why he lied.
I'd tell him that he is the face of Zarp Gaming whilest on the servers and being lied to does not help the situation.
Two things would be appropriate for this situation:
For the more serious abuse:
I would emergency demote him because he used his powers in a way that is not allowed. continued by telling bob why I decided on an emergency demote and tell him that he is our face of Zarp and this cannot continue like this.
I would inform the other LT members to why he has been demoted and bring him up into the LT meeting.
For a lesser abuse:
I would ask him why he did this and his reasons behind it, give bob a verbal warning, continued by telling bob him that he is our face of Zarp and this cannot continue like this.
I would tell him that I will bring it up in the next LT meeting to decide what we should do.
Thankyou for reading this big ass application and thankyou for even considering me into the LT.
I love stories so thats why its so much "I would" ect
And once again a huge thanks to