Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Click here.
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Click here.
Estimated Server Time:
Around 11.5 hours at the time of writing, but I've been having issues causing my Garry's Mod to crash which have been resolved, so expect to see an increase in my activity.
Languages I speak:
English, a small amount of French, and the ability to recognise and understand a few phrases of Greek.
Promotion Related
Explain how you feel that your time as a moderator will contribute to you becoming an admin:
Through my time as moderator, I've shown excellent competence in understanding when to use commands correctly, and knowing all commands. Due to my experience on SSRP, I'm greatly familiar with the FAdmin system, making me more experienced than the average Jailbreak moderator. Anyone observing my actions on the server over the past few days would notice a drastic change in my attitude, as for some reason I find it easier to stay calm and handle situations in a mature way when I have a staff rank lol. My ability to learn quickly has allowed me to fully learn the rules and the intricacies of the gamemode in a way lacking similarity to that of other Jailbreak moderators, heavily contributing to me becoming an admin.
When it will be appropriate to use the ban command?:
I know there's a load of controversy surrounding the whole racism dispute, and I'm a strong believer of the term "context matters". Case by case, I'd definitely treat a person casually or accidentally using a racist term more light-handedly than one using a racist term in a malicious context. If a user was using a racist term in a malicious context, I would ensure that they hadn't already been punished and then ban them for a period of time dependent on their quantity of punishments for racism. However, if one was to accidentally or casually use a racist term and was a repeat offender, with one or more recents for racism, I would issue a ban.
How would you deal with an exploiter on the server?:
I would first inform them of the fact that they're abusing an exploit, and depending on the effect of the exploit, I may potentially issue a warning. After that point, if they disregard my words and decide to continue abusing the exploit, I will issue a warning/ban depending on what's most appropriate in relation to the effect of the exploit.
Once adequate action had been taken, I'd inform an owner of the exploit in an attempt to find a fix.
Why I should be promoted (we recommend around 100 words):
As much as this may seem a little early, I honestly feel confident enough to apply. While my experience of the gamemode may be somewhat limited, I'm an extremely quick learner, allowing me to adapt to change to a strong extent, on top of the fact that the command system is very familiar to me, from my previous experience on SSRP. As an admin, multiple avenues for helping the server open up to me that would've been unavailable before, allowing me to perform my duties to my full extent. I'm attempting to take on additional work to assist the server, and through the rank of Administrator, I'd be able to do just that little bit more.
Bit difficult to not just say the same thing that I said on my Bhop app, because I'm writing them back to back lol. Sorry if it's almost too similar.
Thank you for reading.